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Vidare äventyr i Fediversum. Jag fortsätter med att testa olika program och dess funktioner i Fediversum. Idag har jag skaffat ett konto på en Hubzilla-instans. Jag tittade först på en lite mindre instans,, då de erbjöd inloggning med konton (kallas kanaler på både Friendica och Hubzilla, mycket förvirrande) på Friendicainstanser…

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Anders_S

Ett av de blogginlägg där jag kommenterar min tester av olika programvaror som har stöd för ActivityPub och hur de fungerar ihop med varandra. Det kom till mitt Friendicakonto direkt fån bloggen.

Dom för mord på Jordgubbens mamma. Uppsala tingsrätt dömde i april två unga män, nu 20 och 16 år gamla, för mordet på en 58-årig kvinna i hennes hem i Uppsala. Den mördade kvinnan vara mamma till Ismail Abdo (Jordgubben).…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Europas borgerliga tidningar, borgerliga TV-kanaler, högertyckare och högerextremister förutspådde alla en tydlig högervåg i alla de val som skulle äga rum under detta år. Men det tycks istället ha slutat i en vänstervåg vilket visar att borgerlig media och högertyckare inte har en susning i hur opinionen ser ut bland fattiga arbetarklassväljare.…

Jag har länge undrat var den fiskebåt som heter LL 14 Molly med Lysekil som hemmahamn har varit baserad nånstans. Jag har aldrig kunnat hitta den i fiskhamnen eller nån annan hamn i Lysekil men den dyker upp varje år när jag redovisar fångster och innehav av fiskemöjligheter.…

This entry was edited (8 months ago)


Street Artist SKURK

By SKURK at Rå Skole in Bergen, Norway.

Norway-based street artist Skurk has done quite a few impressive murals, but this time an art collective called BART gave him quite a challenging task – a building wall with a staircase and light bulbs. Skurk found a perfect solution.

He used the lamps to create a nightmarish anglerfish, a bony sea creature famous for a luminescent ‘antenna’ on its head. Anglerfish use this organ to lure their prey in dark water environments. Also, females use it to attract males for mating. “Those lamps asked for some mean incorporation,” Skurk said.


What do you think about this street art by street artist SKURK?…

#Anglerfish #Art #Bergen #fish #graffiti #mural #norway #råSkole #skurk #Staircase #StreetArt #trap

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Fyra personer dömda till fängelse efter att ha blivit gripna i Värmland. Värmlands tingsrätt dömde dem alla till 10 års fängelse var. Detta för mycket omfattande narkotikahandel som bedrivits från Bålsta utanför Stockholm.…

Newly added documentary on

The Grab

The film follows investigative journalists at The Center for Investigative Reporting as they uncover efforts by foreign actors to control food and water to the detriment of local populations.

Watch it here:…

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Jag har tidigare skrivit att det är viktigt att läsa en massa och att testa en massa om en vill skriva om hur Fediversum fungerar och vad som fungerar. Vilka programvaror och instanser som kan var intressanta med mera.…

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AI art steals from the poor and has no place in modern society

In a post-scarcity solarpunk future, I could imagine some reasonable uses, but that’s not the world we’re living in yet.

AI art has already poisoned the creative environment. I commissioned an artist for my latest solarpunk novel, and they used AI without telling me. I had to scrap that illustration. Then the next person I tried to hire claimed they could do the work without AI but in fact they could not.

All that is to say, fuck generative AI and fuck capitalism!

in reply to Prandom_returns

in reply to Ookami38

As far as the role of man versus machine, using AI as a tool is more like being a director or composer. You determine the composition. The setting. The subject. The style. Let the machine do the labor of simply outputting, and then you tell it what you don't like about this output.back and forth, until you arrive at whatever finished is. It's as much art as a conductor in a symphony, or a director on a set, simply giving direction to a machine.

Now replace "AI" with an artist, and yourself with any mouth-breathing supervisor, that micro-manages artists.

You are employing something to do the art for you.

Amd my fucking god, comparing entering a prompt to a conductor. Techbros really are high on their own farts.

Spain introduces porn passport to stop kids from watching smut

The Spanish government has a plan to prevent kids from watching porn online: Meet the porn passport.

Officially (and drily) called the Digital Wallet Beta (Cartera Digital Beta), the app Madrid unveiled on Monday would allow internet platforms to check whether a prospective smut-watcher is over 18. Porn-viewers will be asked to use the app to verify their age. Once verified, they'll receive 30 generated “porn credits” with a one-month validity granting them access to adult content. Enthusiasts will be able to request extra credits.

You have to request more porn credits from the government if you need more? Don't want the government to be tracking this data of you. This is a privacy issue

in reply to Salix

Lets see how this pans out and how well it works ( or does not work )

What we perhaps need to do is start building respect for each other,

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

A Wheelchair That Folds to Fit in an Airplane's Overhead Bin - Core77

Ladybird, a truly independent web browser.

Video announcement by Chris Wanstrath (GitHub co-founder) of the 501(c) non-profit and $1,000,000 donation:
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Newly added documentary on

Where Olive Trees Weep

Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation.

Watch it here:…

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Newly added documentary on

The Cancer Detectives

The story of how the life-saving cervical cancer test became an ordinary part of women’s lives is as unusual and remarkable as the coalition of people who ultimately made it possible.

Watch it here:…

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Newly added documentary on

Big Brands’ Green Claims Uncovered

Panorama investigates the green projects that say they can help brands cancel out their carbon emissions. But do the claims stack up?

Watch it here:…

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Slinkachu's miniature art featuring tiny figures examining a cigarette butt.

Explore the playful world of Slinkachu, a master of miniature street art. His ‘Little People’ series transforms urban environments into playful scenes.

This tiny collection features some of his most popular work. Born in London, Slinkachu is known for his detailed and intricate miniature installations. His work often addresses themes of isolation and the overlooked aspects of urban life.

Little People – A tiny Street Art Collection (2 of 4)
Little People – A tiny Street Art Collection (3 of 4)
Little People – A tiny Street Art Collection (4 of 4)







#Art #arts #berlin #contemporaryArt #graffiti #little #littlePeople #londonStreetArt #MiniatureArt #MiniatureScenes #newYork #people #photo #publicArt #slinkachu #StreetArt #StreetArtCollection #TinyStreetArt #UrbanArt