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La Commissione europea boccia la legge ungherese che vieta la produzione e la vendita di carne coltivata

Freitag bis Sonntag findet die LCOY 24 in Berlin statt. Zusammen mit @Bits&Bäume Berlin werden wir da am Samstag (12 bis 12:45h) einen Worshop anbieten um über Nachhaltige IT und das Fediverse zu informieren.

#LCOY24 #Berlin #Klima #Nachhaltigkeit #Fediverse

At any given time, crew members are conducting dozens of scientific investigations and technology demonstrations on the International Space Station. If you’re curious about this work, the Space Station Research Xplorer (SSRX) mobile application provides information on these experiments, special facilities on the station, research benefits, and published results. The app includes summaries of each […]
Explore International Space Station Research with NASA Mobile Apps - NASA

TROM II: How Mindblowing it is -…

We are the Universe pondering about its own existence. How sad is it that we've created a society that denies people of this privilege...

#universe #trom #trom2 #tromsite #society #evolution

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Raccoon, the Friendica app that also has surprises for Mastodon users (automatic translation from Italian)

Raccoon for Friendica (actually there is also a Raccon for Lemmy app) is an amazing app and, although it is still in “beta” version (the installation file can be downloaded here), it seems like a completely mature app, full of innovations and, surprisingly, it even manages to offer something completely new to Mastodon users! NB: This is an automatic translation from Italian.


Raccoon, l’app Friendica che riserva sorprese anche per gli utenti Mastodon

Raccoon for Friendica (in effetti c’è anche un’app Raccon for Lemmy) è un’app sorprendente e, benché sia ancora in versione “beta” (il file di installazione può essere scaricato qui), sembra un’app completamente matura, ricca di innovazioni e, sorprendentemente, riesce addirittura a offrire qualcosa di completamente nuovo agli utenti Mastodon! Abbiamo deciso perciò di scrivere questo…


With contributions from NASA, the mission will map a third of the sky in order to study a cosmic mystery called dark energy. ESA (the European Space Agency) has released a new, 208-gigapixel mosaic of images taken by Euclid, a mission with NASA contributions that launched in 2023 to study why the universe is expanding […]
in reply to NASA (unofficial)

Dark Energy and Dark Matter are both fudge factors to make a Cosmological model, the Big Model, work, when it in fact does not agree with observations in at least half a dozen areas.

On 15 October 2024, ESA’s Euclid space mission reveals the first piece of its great map of the Universe, showing millions of stars and galaxies.

Siamo pronti ad attaccare il DDL Varchi nei tribunali

At the end of 2022, 65 percent of the Western United States was in severe drought, the result of a two decades long mega drought in the Colorado River Basin that had captured headlines around the world. However, it was flooding, not drought, that was making headlines when we began our research for this story […]
in reply to NASA (unofficial)

Look up "dust bowl", droughts happen, even in 1935 before CO2 was significantly higher than pre-industrial times.

Do you care about Free Software but still end up using WhatsApp for your messaging needs?

If yes, then #prav is for you😃. Learn more at .

Thanks to #fsfindia for publishing a post on us.

#xmpp #FreeSoftware #opensource #mastindia

The people are being consumed by the so called "free" entertainment.

But it is not "free". It is dumb and trade-based. TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and so forth mandate that you give them your data and attention (watch ads) in order to use their platforms. In return they give you access to a ton of dumbed down content.

Trading stupidity is much easier than trading well made content. Therefore stupidity evolves faster in a trade-based society.

To make a good researched video can take months, to make a dumbed down one can take minutes. To write a good book about real and important things, and research for it, takes months or years. To write bullshit fictional stories takes a lot less. Music, movies, articles, they are all under the influence of trade, allowing simplistic content to thrive while good one to barely breath.

It is this trade based society to be blamed for the vast majority of the destruction, suffering and idiocy we see worldwide.

#trade #TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #media #journalism

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in reply to TROM

Still, there are people tha want just that, dumbed down content.

Dank einer Piratin als Berichterstatterin hat der Europarat festgestellt, dass Julian Assange politischer Gefangener war!

Good to see Pirates at work!…

Poliversity, l’istanza Mastodon per giornalisti e studiosi, consentirà di scrivere post lunghi e formattati!

Oggi, Dr. Polivers*, l’amministratore occulto di non ha solo aggiornato il sistema alla nuova release di Mastodon, ma ha anche fatto di più. Il sistema infatti è stato aggiornato alla Mastodon glitch-soc, un fork amichevole del software di microblogging più usato nel Fediverso. Questo fork è stato pensato per fornire funzionalità aggiuntive molto interessanti…


Help us fund our custom username feature which will help people sign up on Prav using a custom username. Right now, your phone number is your username.

We need to raise 23000 INR (300 USD) to implement this feature. Thanks to Softrate India for taking this.

Donation link:

For Indian users 👉…

If you are outside India 👉…

Thanks for your support!

#prav #xmpp #mastindia #freesoftware #opensource

METAstasiVERSO vs POLIVERSO: ecco come l’informazione italiana ha ignorato il più grande sversamento di rifiuti compiuto da Facebook nel Web è il sito che abbiamo creato nell’estate del 2021 e contiene un social network piccolo fatto da poche centinaia di persone che ogni mese accedono al proprio profilo, ma integrato con il grande universo social costituito dal Fediverso che conta qualche milione di utenti in tutto il mondo. Se qualcuno se lo stesse chiedendo, no: il nome Poliverso non vuole affatto richiamare…


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