C’est avec grand plaisir que nous annonçons la parution du premier ouvrage de la collection Des Livres en Communs !
L'Amour en Commun, un ouvrage de Margaux Lallemant et Timothé Bodo, dans la collection DLeC.
#Framasoft #DesLivresEnCommun #DLeC #essai #creativecommons #communs #societe #culturelibre
OpenProject 14.6 is here! 🎉
Benefit from these updates and more:
📊 Flexible progress reporting.
🔔 Update notifications for meetings.
🛠️ Enable a custom field for multiple projects at once.
🔗 Relative work package attribute macros.
📄 Show empty lines in rich text.
📅 See past meetings included in the number next to the Meetings tab.
➡ Read more: openproject.org/docs/release-n…
A special thank you to the City of Cologne and all contributors!
#openproject #projectmanagement #release #opensource
reshared this
"Il consenso del governo Meloni ha qualcosa di eccezionale" (sarà forse che ha avversari di mer*a e un elettorato di rincoglioniti?)
I partiti che lo supportano hanno più consensi rispetto a due anni fa, mentre i loro predecessori ne hanno persi
Informa Pirata reshared this.
Cosa mai potrebbe andare storto?
Il che' e' un problema, grosso.
#MajaSKRatkje *1973
Considering Icarus (2021)
#StephenMenotti #Trombone
#classicalmusic #contemporarymusic
#musik #music #musique #musica #Ratkje
< polycule > #matrix client is now available on #AlpineLinux and #postmarketOS @postmarketOS !
It's build for touch and keyboard input, perfectly adopts to handheld devices on Linux and finally offers you a geeky but yet Linux mobile optimized [matrix] experience as well as nice accessibility integration.
reshared this
In un angolo remoto dell’universo, una civiltà avanzata di esploratori alieni atterrò su un pianeta sconosciuto. La loro astronave, scintillante di luci blu e argento, si posò delicatamente su un terreno verdeggiante e rigoglioso. Gli esploratori, alti e snelli, con occhi luminosi e curiosi, scesero dalla nave e iniziarono a esplorare il nuovo mondo. Il paesaggio era mozzafiato: montagne maestose si ergevano all’orizzonte, fiumi cristallini scorrevano tra…
Sverigedemokraterna och gängen. Det faktum att Jimmie Åkesson hade en gängkriminell gäst på sitt brölopp hart föranlett ett stort antal artiklar i media. Klart är att Åkesson känt den aktuelle mannen, Robert Hedarv, i många år. Han är lokal president i en av tre lokalföreningar (chapters) som Comanches MC har i Sverige.
Hörspiel: 50 Aktenkilometer - Doku-Hörspiel über Stasi-Dokumente
ganz gut hörbare töne (im sinne von interessant) von leben mit der stasi
Webseite der Episode: hoerspielundfeature.de/50-akte…
Mediendatei: podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/…
☀️ U-Multiversal ☀️ likes this.
I don't know what Trump studied when he attended the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, but it can't have been economics...
Trump’s plan to lower grocery costs would reduce grocery options
> we could outlaw beef and pork and repurpose animal feed producing land to grow for human consumption
That would certainly help and would have many benefits. Primarily for the animals currently enslaved and murdered to feed humans who don't need to eat meat to live. But it would also be good for the overall health of your population.
But in a country with the biocapacity of the US, I doubt it would be necessary to mostly eliminate US food imports. Which are minimal.
FFS Trump has said over and over again he's going to impose at least a 10% if not 20% import duty on every single imported product.
This is been reported over and over again by the press and analyzed by dozens of economists. It is very much not just about food.
Meanwhile, if you think you're going to overhaul the entire American agricultural sector in anything less than a generation, good luck with that.
What is theoretically possible vs. actually doable, are quite different.
#NicolaMatteis (the elder) c 1750 - p 1713
Diverse bizzarrie sopra la Vecchia Sarabanda o pur Ciaccona
#AmandineBeyer, #Violin
#BaldomeroBarciela #ViolaDaGamba
#RonaldoLopes #Guitar
#FrancescoRomano #Theorbo
#AnnaFontana #Harpsichord
#musik #music #musique #musica #Matteis #GliIncogniti
classicalmusic group reshared this.
"We didn’t want fascists on our streets before the floods, and we certainly don’t want them while our roads are washed away."
It's Going Down reshared this.
I’m excited to announce a 7-day free trial for @ Westenberg. Take my in-depth coverage of tech and politics for a drive, and see why independent journalism matters.
After the trial, it’s just $5 per month for full access. No strings attached—cancel anytime.
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in reply to Framasoft • • •Pour rappel, Des Livres en Communs est un projet cherchant à inventer une alternative au modèle d’édition classique, en proposant une bourse aux autrices et auteurs en amont de l’écriture, ainsi qu’une publication de l’ouvrage sous licence libre.
Plus d'informations sur deslivresencommuns.org
Pierre-Yves Beaudouin
in reply to Framasoft • • •Framasoft reshared this.
in reply to Pierre-Yves Beaudouin • • •@Pyb Tout cela ne nous rajeunit pas effectivement (ouvrage sorti début 2013) !
in reply to Framasoft • • •Trop chouette
Trop envie de le lire
Bon, je me prendrai la tête plus tard pour comprendre pourquoi je n'arrive ni à ouvrir l'epub sur mon PC Linux, ni à l'envoyer sur ma Kindle