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Göte Kildén – 50 år som socialistisk agitator och facklig aktivist

Göteborg: Göte Kildén var under femtio år en av den svenska vänsterns mest framträdande representanter. Han var en av de centrala ledarna för den trotskistiska rörelse som byggdes upp i Sverige.

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in reply to Tio

Dude that's literally just a Black Mirror episode! Saw this the other day -

Can't believe someone saw dystopian fiction and thought to themselves "wow that's a good business idea" 🤦

During federal instability, downturns hit hard. A local currency builds resilience, keeping wealth circulating at home. By supporting local businesses and creating jobs, it ensures we thrive, not just survive, during crises. Strengthen local ties and build an economy that can weather any storm.

We are in the south of Spain now and we will take it easy. We drive like 60km every other day, so we can get to see some nice places and relax more.

And as much as I like cool places, I also LOVE to stay somewhere where we have access to water/amenities for the motorhome, where is no one, and is nice enough so I can focus on my computer work!

We here now:

Around Cordoba. We will stay for a few days in this place because there is a storm coming to the entire Spain and there will be lots of rain. So we need a safe place to be in.

We have our batteries quite full, the fridge is full, water infinite, unlimited satellite internet. And now I am working on TROMjaro, will add new stuff to VideoNeat, and will work to make more videos for TROMhome. For me, this is super relaxing. :)

#vanlife #tromhome #motorhome #spain #europe #linux

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in reply to Salinger 3

Et là, c'est pas moi qui disait ça😁

Mais toi, j'suis assez contente de te voir ici, parcque j'ai vu certains de tes com (que pourtant je ne peux pas voir d'ici), dont celui là (au sujet de facisme) qui me faisait justement penser à ce que je voulais dire moi ici.

c'est une tentative de retour en arrière pour les conservateurs. comme d'hab donc il faudra se battre pour que leurs idées et leurs valeurs soient détruire par notre resilience à rester FORT avec nos valeurs humanistes

Ça pourrait-être à peu près ça...

En réalité je pensais pas à du réarmement...