Fact Check: Joe Rogan Revealed Why Matt Damon 'Prostituted Himself into Fame'?
"Joe Rogan's no-filter approach has always made for compelling content, and this time was no different," the Just In YouTube channel reported.
Fact Check: Sen. Lindsey Graham Was Recorded Saying 'I Like to Cross Dress'?
A video was shared on X that supposedly shows the senator saying, "People call me 'Lady G' just because I like to cross dress."
Fact Check: Bizarre Pic Proves Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Is Not a Human Being?
Apparently, some social media users believe Mark Zuckerberg is a lizard.
Fact Check: Sean Combs 'Losing It' After Tupac Shakur's Murderer Threatens To 'Rat Him Out'?
A video was posted after news broke that Duane “Keffe D” Davis had been arrested in connection with the 1996 drive-by shooting that killed the rapper.
Fact Check: Thousands of Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered to Russia in Early October 2023?
"All of that money we sent over there did absolutely nothing. I would like a refund please," one X user commented on this viral rumor.
We have moved our TROM Search search.trom.tf to a separate server to make it work better and isolate it from our TROM.tf server because our IP got blocked several times by google, yahoo, micosoft and the like. And for example people using those companies as their email accounts could not receive emails form us, like say resetting their passwords and such. Hosting such Trade Free interfaces for these big ad platforms like search, youtube and the like, is a pain in the ass. But for now we consider the search engine as important, so we will keep it isolated like that.
For the next 2 weeks or so we will work on moving our trom.tf to a new and better server. You will for sure see downtimes....Always check status.tromsite.com
And support us if you can tromsite.com/donate/
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Nouvelle série de stickers #ACG :
Nous faisons tourner les rouages
Mais le monde brûle
Mettre fin au capitalisme
Mettre fin à la crise climatique !
We keep the cogs turning.
But the world is burning.
End capitalism.
End the climate crisis!
Join #AnarchistCommunistGroup
Autocollant vu à Guildford, Surrey, Royaume-Uni
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The first part of the TROM II Documentary, Humans, is fully translated into Spanish videos.trom.tf/w/uzkzwYtn1XK2E… thanks to @Rafa Peris and Vicky! If you want to help with the translations please head over to our Translations chat on Matrix matrix.to/#/#translation:matri…
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Fact Check: Is Suggestive 'Two Fingers and a Thumb' 7-Up Ad From 1960s Real?
"And boy oh boy can you sure work up a thirst," a woman in the alleged ad is captioned as saying.
Fact Check: Did Einstein Warn That a Time Will Come When the Rich Control the Means of Communication?
Einstein wrote an essay titled "Why Socialism?" for the first issue of the independent socialist magazine "Monthly Review."
Fact Check: Did Dianne Feinstein Cast a Final Senate Vote the Same Day She Died?
"How did Dianne Feinstein vote 'yea' yesterday on the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act?"
Fact Check: 'Frozen' Was So Named To Keep People from Seeing Google Results About Walt Disney's Frozen Head?
What, you've never heard that Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen and his body preserved in a secret chamber under Disneyland after he died?
Fact Check: Is It True Vivek Ramaswamy Received Money from George Soros?
The Republican presidential hopeful faced criticism from conservatives for his alleged ties.
Anmol Sharma
in reply to Tio • • •Tio
in reply to Anmol Sharma • •Anmol Sharma likes this.
Anmol Sharma
in reply to Tio • • •I was looking for a good note taking app. #appFlow looks good. I will definitely give it a try.
I did find another open source app, but it's a bit overkill at first glance.
GitHub - siyuan-note/siyuan: A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
GitHub - siyuan-note/siyuan: A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.