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The usual Manjaro updates plus pay attention to the dependency hell that has been happening for the past 2 or so months.

Good piece by John Oliver about the situation in Gaza

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

I'm impressed at how informative and well researched this video was for a "comedy show"…

Eric Libertad reshared this.

Fact Check: Image Shows World's First Camera?

We found the claim on several different social media platforms, including Facebook, X (previously known as Twitter), YouTube, and TikTok.…

Thank you Adam for becoming a supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign - - there are currently 38 people supporting us. We need 200 in total. It is just 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever basically. So please, if you can, help us.

You are supporting many projects: from a lot of trade-free content to many trade-free services like social networks, video platforms, and operating system and more.


reshared this

Ce samedi à #Tours manif dynamique contre le #SansAbrisme mais aux perspectives limitées car le refus de mettre en cause les collectivités locales et élus locaux est un frein pour agir : la #RequisitionLogementsVides n'est apparue que lors de la prise de parole FSU/SUDéducation/FCPE. Rejeter la faute sur l'Etat permet de faire oublier que le maire peut procéder à des réquisitions (CGCT art. L 2212-1° et 5°).…