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Je ne suis pas #nouveauici .. mais mon habituel serveur est en maintenance depuis plus de 10 jours .. sans trop de nouvelles sur un délai de fin... alors me revoilà ici...

Thank you Juan for becoming our new supporter for 200 for TROM campaign! - If this campaign reaches its goal then TROM will be sustainable, kinda forever. It will allow us to run the so many projects/services for a while, without stressing over the money situation.

Help if you can. Spread if you can. Thanks!

Everything we do is trade-free. So the only way to support TROM is through volunteer donations.

#trom #trade-free #tromsite #foss #200fortrom

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SEO expert sounds like asbestos to me. Cancer inducing entity.

#seo #cancer #internet

All of our websites except the are down - an issue with the hosting

Update: everything works now but there might be downtimes in the next few days.

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