Countless of family disputes and violence overall could be easily defused if people could take care of themselves and not depend on other family members. Shared houses, different lives, no way to move somewhere else, will create a lot of tensions and eventually lead to a lot of misery, violence, and problems.
In a system where we have more empty homes than people need, and cars, and food, and clothes...we still force everyone to trade. And even when they do, is often not enough to have a decent life, or survive.
A UBI could be a good temporary solution. If I was able to at least have my own place to live and be away from the people I do not want to share my life with, I could be a lot more productive, sane, relaxed, and would avoid any conflicts.
Now I am struggling to live with "my parents" in the same house. Different world views and attitudes in one house. Combine that with the tourism season that's starting here, and the craze....everyone working, busy, insanity...the hot weather is about to come. If I am able to survive this summer without either killing myself of someone else, or having a stroke, then I will have to celebrate that and move. Far away. Just me and Sasha. Buy whateverthefuck motorhome we can, and fuck off.
What life is this for people?! Work all day, come home, eat, go sleep. Wake up do it again. A bullshit society creating slaves and primitive minds. Plus a waste of everything: the nature, the people, the creatures, the stuff.
Anyway, luckily Roma, Aaron, and a few bunch more wonderful TROM people will come these days to visit. I can focus on that. But the next months make me depressed even thinking about them. I cannot do the things that I want to with TROM.
I made a habit of letting my rage and anger out like this, else I am afraid I would explode.
Planet Earth. A miserable society put on top of a beautiful planet. Humans....such a weird species.