We provide Mastodon/Peertube/Nextcloud/Friendica and more, as a service. For a cost. Just order and have your own instance, no headaches.
I always do trade-free stuff, but since I am trapped in this trade-system and I do not get enough financial support via the projects that I do, I have to also trade a bit.
WebApe webape.site/ is what I do to trade. Basically we create websites, install Mastodon/Friendica instances, Peertube, Nextcloud, etc.. We setup, manage, update, customize.
We try to do something decent and make some money with that, to then support our free projects.
So if you want a Mastodon instance for example, or any other website/service, please see webape.site/. I have lowered the prices now, so a Mastodon instance starts at 30 Euros per month.
We will take a limited amount of websites so to not overwhelm ourselves.
Please share if you think others might be interested. In a way, we can make the fediverse more known and accessible via the WebServices that we provide.
#foss #opensource #fedi #fediverse #mastodon