I want to push myself a lot with the documentary for these next 2 or so months. Ideally I should not, but we run out of money soon and for sure I'll get very stressed in 3-4 months about it. So maybe I can focus these next 2 months on the documentary a lot. Let's see how the second part will go....
You know, I've said this before but it is 100% true. My life is the perfect scientific example for me, that this society is fucked up. I am a human being who all it does is to do free stuff. Books, videos, lots of online services, documentaries, and more. My input helped/helps/will help thousands upon thousands of other humans. I do not trick people, scam them, lie to them. I am honest and do trade-free things.
I am also curious about the world and society, and I want to know how it works, what problems we as a species face, how we can fix them. So I try to keep myself educated in a scientific manner.
In any sane society all of these should be celebrated. In ours they are punished. I am struggling to keep myself alive in this shit hole. If it weren't for my family and a few awesome people donating to TROM, I would have been long gone. Our society offers no safety-net, no "default" life for anyone. You either trade, or you are fucked. End of the story.
I see myself as a tiny scientist proving the primitiveness of our society. If I struggle and cannot make it, then to me this is the perfect proof that this society is insane.
This society wants me to better go and trade whatever, just to make some money. Lie, deceive, restrict access to the stuff I am creating, keep myself busy with buying and so forth. That's the kind of human that has value in our society.