If there is 1 "mainstream" science "thing" that I do not agree with, and neither the researchers doing real science are, is this: mental disorders are a result of some bio/chemical imbalance/reason.
This is simply not true. There is no study showing this. From twin studies to genetics, there is nothing conclusive that says these behaviors that humans put in narrow boxes are a result of anything more than a combination of things. And it seems mostly of the environment one grows up in.
This DW documentary explains it very well videoneat.com/documentaries/25…
And this is the only science-topic that I would agree the "big pharmaceutical" companies are the ones pushing this nonscientific "pill model". You depressed? Simple! Take a pill! You sad, anxious, too energetic? We have pills for that too.
But even these pills are no better than placebo.
And in this way we do not see that it is this society that makes people miserable. If we don't fix the society at best we can numb people with pills and make them accept this shithole.
Ok, watch the documentary, watch the real scientists doing real work.
Newly added documentary on VideoNeat.com:Tablets for Depression
Although antidepressants are prescribed with increasing frequency, their efficacy is the subject of debate. It’s known that placebos can be just as effective in cases of mild-to-moderate depression. Nevertheless, in Germany you’re now eight times more likely to be prescribed the medication than in the 1990s.
Watch it here:
Tablets for Depression
Although antidepressants are prescribed with increasing frequency, their efficacy is the subject of debate. It's known that placebos can be just as effective in cases of mild-to-moderate depression.VideoNeat
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