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GNU IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser. Its main advantage is an ethical one: it is entirely free software.

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in reply to trom

A good alternative to Firefox, useful if you want multiple browsers opened at the same time!
in reply to Alexio

GNU IceCat apparently hasn't been updated since 2019, at least on the official gnu repo. On AUR, icecat-bin (which I think is the same as linked on the TROM-Jaro link) is the same v60.7 build. A web browser nearly 3 years out of date, uh, what can I say... :-/
in reply to Tio

Well are you aware of any activity? Releases are usually an indicator on whether a project is active or not. For a browser it's critical to keep up to date.
in reply to Tio

I have no clue what comment you're referring to. But here: can we all agree that this here link is the official page for GNU IceCat? With it being on gnu dot org and all?

Now kindly check the first git repo mentioned under Download ("They are available from"). Then please click on the "Latest release" button below.

Gee, still wondering how I might have thought the project was inactive?

in reply to Normand C. :postmarketos:

Obviously meant "ftp repo" rather than git repo.

In short, this landing page is in freaking need of an update.

in reply to Tio

you are ignoring what I wrote on purpose. Nevermind, and goodbye.
in reply to Normand C. :postmarketos:

Not ignoring at all. You are complaining about releases and @Alexio send a link to showcase that they are still working on it. Maybe the releases are slow ad they still work on it. Anyway.
in reply to Normand C. :postmarketos:

And the link @Alexio provided is their official git IceCat is generated from Firefox with the scripts available in the Git repository of GNUzilla. from their official page at
in reply to trom

I see recent activity at… with the "master Update to 91.6.0. Mark H Weaver 8 days" and "2021-10-11 Update GNU IceCat to 91.2.0 Amin Bandali 25 -1216/+485"
This entry was edited (3 years ago)