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in reply to Tio

Its also a very humbling thought, that the entirety of humanity and everything we've done are on this little blue dot suspended in space.

Its normal to forget about these things in our daily life. I mean, you can't be thinking about the extent of the universe and the depths of the oceans when your doing daily tasks like taking a shit, lol 😂

But when you do get reminded of these truths, it'll give you goosebumps.
in reply to Rokosun

Although I agree that we can't comprehend the depths of reality, even when you take a shit or do you daily routines, you should try to put that in the cosmic perspective :). Like...what I mean is that say "taking a shit" our narrow and cultural world that is something disgusting and private. However if you know a few bits about reality, then you realize that what you do there is even more interesting - you are transforming organic matter into tissue and energy, then expel what you could not process :D. And the brown color is because of dead cells as far as I know. In any case, it is a weird thing that we do and makes you think....think about energy, digestion, and about who you are because at the end of the day, that apple you eat, the chocolate bar, that roasted chicken....they transform into you. How the fuck!? :)

That's the shit I'm talking about! haha
in reply to Tio

Haha. That taking a shit example was really a joke, but I understand what you mean. If you look through a certain perspective, everything becomes interesting and curious.
Here's an interesting video about farts 😁 -

But what I really meant to say with the previous post is that we usually get caught up doing something in life and its normal to forget about stuff like this. Those goosebumps come and go, they're not constant.
in reply to Rokosun

Yup I knew it was a joke but I wanted to make a point haha. And oh look, when Vsauce was doing great videos. What happened to him...thx for sharing ;). And I get your point for sure.

forever, boring edition reshared this.