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This is what we are going to do to deal with our Peertube instance:
Attention: this instance is solely dedicated to science/technology/nature videos in the English language, and it was so from the beginning. Even the activism/education needs to fall into these categories. Anything else will be removed with a 1 month noticed. Starting next month we will begin the monthly purge of accounts that did not respect our instance's categories. These rules will not be very strict, but users that mostly post pseudoscience, politics, porn, movies, and such, are going to be removed.


frankie reshared this.

in reply to Bodo Boson

It is difficult to say, but the instance is clearly stating that is about science/technology. We can discuss more on our matrix chat at if you can please join. We do not want to "harm" any user really, and we do not want to be very strict about these rules.