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We added a Like button for - no dislike button or view count. That's because a Like button is a way of saying that you liked the content, but a dislike means what? You disliked? Then what did you dislike? Comment to a video if you dislike it, or ignore it. A Like is a form of appreciation so we keep it there. And views should not matter really since how are they counted? These ideas of numbers attached to digital stuff are very weird and nonsensical, and they emerged from our trade-based society where we count stuff and put a price on them. 4 tomatoes or 200. Quantity. Prices. Trading.

We do the same now with videos, or posts, images and so on. We equate views, likes, comments and so forth with "value". A well made and smart video is likely to have less of those anyways, compared to a moronic one. These things cannot be counted or valued. Such a retarded society....

Anyways. #tromlive

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

I assume the number of likes on a video is hidden then.
in reply to Rokosun

Yes indeed. Do you think it is relevant to keep it there?
in reply to Tio

Now that you've removed view counts, dislikes etc., I think like counts should be removed too, following the same principle.

This whole thing is really strange to me, I haven't seen anyone remove these numbers on peertube. But I like the way you think, I haven't thought about the numbers in such a way - they don't equal value. There's a lot of underrated content on the internet.
in reply to Rokosun

Afaik, anyone can still see the number of likes, dislikes, views etc. when using a 3rd party client. So these numbers are not gone, it just won't be visible on the website itself, so people know you don't endorse them. I think this is a good place to be in right now.
in reply to Rokosun

Yes when using a 3rd party they can like or dislike and such...I don't think I can do anything about that. But on our Peertube they should not be visible.
in reply to Tio

Just to be clear, I don't want you to do anything about 3rd party apps. Let's just keep the peertube API intact with all the default features and only change things on the website.
in reply to Rokosun

Yes good point to remove the counts for likes. I wonder if then the like button makes any sense but yah I understand....