And yet another thing about capitalism.. I discovered it recently (but the news dates the beginning of this year), but I swear this is so fucked up I want to speal some water on it anyway. So here you go. Together with the very "futuristic" and "innovative" news that Bmw is going to sell you heating for your ass with a subscription, now Intel thought why tf we are the last in this race and let's sell some extra Ghz for your processor as microstransactions or possible a subscription plan in futher. What are the fucking clever lads.
This madness is possible because of the urge for profit is endless really. Just wait a bit while a few generations of humans will be changed and everyone totally forget that it was actually usual to buy things once back in the days, without a need to pay for it monthly afterwards to unlock some functions when you already payed for it. This is totally artificial constraints and absolute waist of resources. Just imagine an entire pack of engineers to design such a low level system for the sake of sucking more money from you. Unbelievable. Bet they patented this miraculous "innovation"..
Most disturbing here is that since Linux kernel major contributers are actually the big hardware vendors and one day (as usually happens with every good idea when trade is involved) they may overtake the community achievements to their profits with incorporating such invasive things into the kernel. This is why, in general I think, the FOSS is not possible in the union with monetisation, corporate approaches, the last eventually win and we should be aware of that.
Intel Wants Customers To Pay For Additional Features on CPUs After They’ve Purchased It
Intel seems to be asking customers to pay for additional features for their CPUs even after they have fully purchased it.Jason R. Wilson (Wccftech)
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