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I broke my middle finger (left hand) while swinging on a rope to jump into a pool of water.

My hands slipped and my finger was caught somehow in the knots of the rope.

And now I have to wear a cast for 2 weeks.

Typing with one hand not ideal. I was starting to write again for TROM and my blog....I'll try to continue but it is hard...

Anyway weird accident. If I reply slower and using fewer words this is why :D

TFed reshared this.

in reply to Tio

Ouch! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
in reply to Tio

I also wish your hand being recovered😇
and do not overwork with your right hand. 🖐 ️
in reply to Tio

Man that must've hurt 😬 I hope you recover soon :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

Maybe take a little break from the online world, since you can't type comfortably now 😄