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I think I have finally achieved what I wanted with the coloring madness I tried to fix in regards to our TROM II interviews....I will probably make a post soonish about it all because it may be interesting to some. The entire next week I will have a sort of break, so I won't do much for TROM II or any of our projects. My laptop probably will arrive after this week anyway, and I will have to spend a few days migrating my stuff to it in case I decide to keep it. Hopefully no more "coloring" work....I just want to continue with the work on the documentary and finish the 3rd part either by the end of December (ideally) or mid-january,

Then I'll have January, February and March to finish the last part. And April to do a few improvements to the other parts, add some sources and make a trailer.

Let's see if I can do it.

Then in May the TROM Meeting!
This entry was edited (1 year ago)