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Ok so to cope with the idiocracy on our Peertube instance where idiots are posting crappy and conspriacy videos, I managed to manually redirect the entire instance from any other page that made no sense, to our main TROM channel . Maybe I'll replace that redirect with the About page. After users login they will, unfortunately, still see a page with random videos (the Discover page) and although that also redirects to our main channel, the way peeertube works it cannot detect the redirect after users login or log out...for now it is fine. Not ideal but at least ok. I also removed the buttons: discover, trending and so forth. They were confusing and full of crap.

Peertube is amazing, but unfortunately is full of retarded videos coming from idiots who got deplatformed by big tech who just want a "clean" space for advertisers.

Anyways, at least now is less crap visible on the platform. #tromlive

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

For those who want to do it for their own peertube instances, it is easy. Go to your Nginx config file for Peertube. For me, using Yunohost, it is /etc/nginx/conf.d/ . On the very bottom add:
rewrite ^/$ /video-channels/trom redirect;
  rewrite ^/videos/overview$ /video-channels/trom redirect;

And of course replace "/video-channels/trom" with a URL of your choice, and "overview" with whatever page is setup as the landing page in your admin settings.

Restart Nginx. Done.

Rokosun reshared this.