@Tio has been working his ass off on an awesome new project that we will release tomorrow- trom.tf/ It will be a part of tromsite.com/tools/ which is a very useful section of TROMsite- full of great trade-free tools such as curated news, videos, illustrations, full-length documentaries, our trade-free Operating System, and a lot more. I really love all these tools and I don't think that anyone else knows exactly how much time and effort Tio puts into all of this. I've never met anyone who works more than him (especially on something that is given away for free). He's been working on this new project perhaps 15 hours per day, every day, for weeks, with almost no breaks. And it is awesome :) You'll see tomorrow, as soon as we release trom.tf ;)
And of course, much of this wouldn't have been possible without the other great people that have put a ton of time and effort into these awesome open source projects- so thank you to you all! :)
Tomorrow we'll have a TROM-Cast about all of this and we will stream through PeerTube for the first time videos.trom.tf/videos/watch/08… And you can even watch it straight on tromsite.com/live/
See you then! ;)