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I wish people would stop putting themselves and others in little tiny boxes like: white, black, american, european, male, trans, gay, straight, this or that. We are all humans and we are having very similar needs and facing very similar challenges.

We should act like a species. The human species. And these non-important labels should not even matter.

We should raise kids as HUMANS. Make them aware of the fascinating world we have discovered, or the problems we face in our society. Should be that simple and would cut off the nonsense debates about gender, sex, sexuality, identity, race or whatever other crap. No one should care what you fantasize about, what you fuck, how you dress, how you look and all that in the first place.

Ok. Stay human.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Tio

I agree with you if the little box is what keeps you far from other little boxes, but in the system in general we need to recognise those categories.

This useful to contrast discrimination based on those categories and empower the people that inherit them. After the system has been "rebalanced" then we can treat each other the same as humans
in reply to Tio

I ddin't know how to say, that's imprecise you're right. I wanted to say that you see yourself in those labels (because you choose to or you simply are)
in reply to Volpit :ac_thought:

This makes sense, but it can also backfire like a self-fulfilling prophecy, giving too much importance to these labels can make people prejudice (knowingly or unknowingly). So maybe its better to focus on our similarities instead of our differences.
in reply to Rokosun

Agreed on. It's just a bit sad that our society right now is creating label after label ...
So it would be nice to treat humans as humans, as long as they are kind to each others.

But i guess someone need time and understanding to get to these point nowadays.
If you are raised like that - you are lucky, but at the same time often disappointed from real life.

Nonetheless ... Let's act proper and life the ideal as long as it's possible.
in reply to Rokosun

@Rokosun beautifully put my friend! I keep telling the same in years already: let's look for what brings us together as Humans rather than what makes us alien to each other. Sadly the societies are super successful in exactly the opposite.