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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

We’ve constructed a culture which venerates something we’ve made up – money – and ignores something we’re made of – carbon.

Which makes us less intelligent than frogs.

- - -

“As the temperature of the water is gradually increased, the frog will eventually become more and more active in attempts to escape the heated water. If the container size and opening allow the frog to jump out, it will do so.”

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Euronews Episode

I took a part in EURONEWS video episode about environment protection. The program called "The Road To Green". We went to Graz in Austria to participate in 2 events. It was great experience and amazing opportunity to be involved with Euronews . Huge thanks to Cyril Fourneris !
You can watch video and read article here :

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in reply to Dima

I was about to write the same thing 😁 Great last line in that video. And great work you're doing in general, you're very inspirational 🙂 Nice that you got on Euronews! 😀

But oh man... Air Bee and Bee 😂😂😂😅😁

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

After an unusually high sea ice maximum in the Sea of Okhotsk this year, recent melting has been particularly fast & dropped to record low levels. Very high variability!

Location of region: More info on this winter:

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Help sustain the development of <img class=" title=":pixelfeed:"/>, and

Please consider donating or boosting this if you can. Every dollar helps!





Our project wouldn't exist without your support, thank you ❤️
in reply to pixelfed

Hey there, @pixelfed

I just created an account, but the confirmation link I received is broken, could you help me with that?

I created my account with 'marcioaleks' as my username.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Hi friends,

The alt text library project needs a new leader, I have brain cancer.

I built a working, scalable, proof of concept library of shared alt text with fuzzy matching.

I'd like to connect with the #accessibility dev community. I want to hand the project off to a team or a leader if anyone is willing to take it over.

WIP MVP: a site designed for writing alt text with a private library:

Boosts appreciated

This entry was edited (3 days ago)

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in reply to Hannah Kolbeck 🏳️‍⚧️

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Sending you lots of love from the Emerald Isle.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

typical human bahaviour
#comic #socielMedia #humor @comics

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"What is also clear is that once we pass this tipping point, there is no going back. The only way to make the ice sheet regrow would be to cool the planet down to the temperature it was during the last ice age, says Sutter. “No one wants that.”

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

The Solar Corona Unwrapped

Image Credit & Copyright: Peter Ward (Barden Ridge Observatory) #APOD


Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

#Snikket has launched a hosting service;

"Our goal, as a not-for-profit organization, is to run this sustainably. Our business model is a simple one that does not involve data harvesting/mining. Instead we charge a simple fee per instance that you host with us... This fee pays for the servers, maintenance and other associated costs. Any extra revenue is used to further our goals - building and promoting sustainable communication solutions."


#chat #XMPP

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in reply to Strypey

Full disclosure; I've done some paid work for Snikket, including drafting some blog posts. But I don't work for tech projects I wouldn't endorse anyway.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

American physicist Harold Agnew holding the core of the atomic bomb they killed 80,000 people in Nagasaki 1945

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

UNLOCK A READING! Friends, help us get to $35k and we will unlock and release a recording of the fabulous bestselling and award-winning author, @catvalente, reading from The Past is Red. (She is a wonderful reader...)

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Visualizing temperature anomalies across the #Arctic over the last 12 months...

Data from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

⚡ BREAKING: Huge win for #Privacy

German government publishes law to guarantee 'right to encryption' 🔒 💪

We at Tuta Mail applaud the #German government for this move in the right direction. 👏 👏 👏

Here's our comment:

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in reply to Tuta

Germany is joining five eyes. We’ll see if this goes through
in reply to Tuta

Sorry fürs OT: Kann Tuta Pushbenachrichtungen für Geburtstage der Kontakte versenden?

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Free Tools For Your Online Privacy. 🔒

Operating System
• Linux Based OS

• Tuta Mail

Web Browser
• Firefox
• Tor browser

Search Engine
• DuckDuckGo
• SearX

• Signal
• Threema

Password Manager
• Bitwarden
• Keepass

Enjoy the spring. 😎

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in reply to Usagi

@usagi not anymore. Signal dropped phone number requirement.
in reply to q.bin

@qbinary @usagi They did and we have updated our recommended secure messaging apps blog post to reflect this. Check it out here:

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

had a couple of old phones laying around, so i installed Orbot and made them Tor snowflakes to help people like political dissidents, journalists, and denizens living under repressive regimes dodge censorship. you can set it up on your computer and won’t even notice you’re helping.

try relay dot love

more on snowflakes from @torproject:

#WorldDayAgainstCyberCensorship #CyberCensorship #Rafah #Gaza #Palestine #PalestineSolidarity #ukraine

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Last month was the warmest February on record globally in this dataset...

[(Preliminary) GISTEMPv4 data/info:]

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

We need help to pay for our backups. This is a yearly funding campaign that we do, so if you can help us please see here - we only need 300 Euros for a full year of 4TB encrypted backups.

This means everything from our videos and documentaries, books, websites, including (meaning all of the files that users have uploaded to our services - from Peertube videos to Nextcloud files). Everything!

300 Euros to make sure that we have everything backed-up in a secure place.

Please help if you can and thanks a lot for doing that!

#tromlive #opensource #foss #volunteering #alternative

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Introducing the Open Science Network 🔬
We're thrilled to be part of this initiative dedicated to building open and federated digital spaces to push the boundaries of open science and scholarly communication.
🔗 Explore more on the website:
📢 Dive into the details in our announcement blog post:

@brembs @UlrikeHahn @jorge @open_science

in reply to Dan Goodman

@neuralreckoning @GunnarBlohm
For better interoperability of the archival guarantees I would suggest using:
#IPFS and
#solid #pods
with the integration of
#noosphere knowledge graphs

All together these can provide strong security/transparency and "easily" moving data from server to server (Considering that scientists change institutions).

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

My graphic showing cumulative change in the mass of reference glaciers around the world has now been updated with 2023's data. We are losing ice.

Graphic available at: More info:

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in reply to Zack Labe

Thank you. Can't call myself good at graph interpretation, but there appears to be a significant change in the plotted slope.

The loss of glacier ice loss appears to be accelerating!

#climatchange #news

in reply to Zack Labe

One more of those very not comforting curves demonstrating accelerated warming.

How anyone can still doubt whether it's an emergency is probably related to where their money comes from.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

> In future updates on Mastodon, maybe Admins can simply click a button that says “Ban Temp E-Mail Providers” Automagically from the E-Mail Menu? There could be E-Mail categories that can be banned, such as temporary mails

Maybe this needs to be the default, with a button to undo it.

- Why people do not take time to stop and reflect on their environment?
- I think, it's because our society values productivity above all else. We're constantly bombarded with messages telling us to work harder, do more, achieve more. As a result, we often prioritize accomplishing tasks over taking breaks or enjoying leisure activities.


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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Excited to be part of this first episode of the new Planet NOAA podcast! We discuss the recent Arctic Report Card:

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

“Your periodic reminder that less ice at the Arctic is consistent with a weaker jet stream that allows cold air to drift down into the Great Plains.

The frigid temps you're experiencing happen BECAUSE of a warming planet, not in spite of it.” Via Dr Steve Campbell from the other place

He later references

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

There are 4 services that we use for via @YunoHost that are either broken or not updated in some time. I will try to look more into, but these are :

Friendica see
Nextcloud see
Discourse that's broken
And unfortunately Peertube that seems to suffer from some bugs with the update

If anyone can help out that'd be awesome, because it would help us all. If not at least support Yunohost financially if you can afford that

Yunohost is a fantastic project that allows us to provide so many trade-free services for everyone.

I hope they/we can find a solution for these packages....

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Clear the decks.

TLDR We can't burn the human power as we did in '23. We're requesting a "staff" donation goal in the hopes the community will back RFF going all in for '24. If not we'll scale back offerings and initiatives.

Either way we still need more help from the community for station direction and community building and outreach out in the feeds.

more comradery. more events. more love. more fun.

more detail:



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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Huzzah! Finished the next tarot artwork. Card 55. Pre-released it yesterday on #art #mastoart #fediart #tarot

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in reply to Sylvia Ritter

well done !
ive been following this series for some time. (a few years maybe?)
i love how you keep the details of the original in place.
ive learnt that this card contains also a meaning of 'the dangerous things that creeps from the depths and hide in the shadows'.

also i wonder if you'd ever consider doing one series on the runes from ralph blum, i'll totally buy a deck of those cards.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Jeronimo Barraco-Marmol

@jerobarraco Hey there. Thank you so much. 🙂 I like the darker interpretation, too. Currently, just happy to finish the current deck. It's the main goal to make it as good as possible

Ar galima su akmeniu, kuris yra praeityje, praskelti kitam asmeniui galva, kai abu dalyviai, tiek metantysis tiek priimejas yra dabartyje?