Dat ons extreemrechtse kabinet geen enkel probleem heeft met een PVV staatssecretaris die haar master bij elkaar heeft gefraudeerd, dat verbaast niemand.
Maar WTF, waarom geeft Erasmus University Rotterdam haar de kans om een nieuwe scriptie te schrijven?
Dit is geen satire, de helft van haar scriptie bestaat echt uit plagiaat.
Satire is dood in dit land. Hoe valt hier nog een grap van te maken, of iets aan te overdrijven? Je kunt wel proberen om er de spot mee te drijven, maar de werkelijkheid is gewoon nog erger.
Vicky Maeijer schrijft dat het feit dat ze fraude heeft gepleegd (en niet zo'n beetje ook) "een enorme klap voor haar persoonlijk" is.
De Calimero-fasciste schrijft verder dat ze de scriptie graag eh, over wil schrijven, omdat ze toen ze stiekem andere scripties overschreef ook al zo graag haar papiertje wilde halen met "hard werken volgens de regels", alleen eh, had eh, IEMAND daarbij "grote fouten gemaakt". "Een enorme klap"!
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Phil Nelson
in reply to evacide • • •Ashley
in reply to evacide • • •James M.
in reply to Ashley • • •@ashley not true! We need to pressure all the Senators who are on the fence about cloture, before they vote on it. Schumer deserves a bunch of faxes, too. @heidilifeldman just posted his fax numbers along with some free fax services:
Heidi Li Feldman
2025-03-14 03:06:45
Matt Palmer
in reply to evacide • • •Lone__Horseman
in reply to evacide • • •Never compromise.
Never give up.
in reply to evacide • • •AlexLunaView
in reply to evacide • • •Fat_Farang
in reply to evacide • • •GeePawHill
in reply to evacide • • •Pete Orrall
in reply to evacide • • •The Sleight Doctor 🃏
in reply to evacide • • •Exactly. I know it means I could go to jail, but jail sounds a whole lot better than compliance right now.
The Sleight Doctor 🃏 (@ApostateEnglishman@mastodon.world)
MastodonEllen T Wright
in reply to evacide • • •DeclanStIrish
in reply to evacide • • •OpenAirPopcorn
in reply to evacide • • •Millicent
in reply to evacide • • •PKPs Powerfromspace1
in reply to evacide • • •naught101
in reply to evacide • • •huh..
I wonder if the "let's rape the earth now for a quick profit" capitalist mindset is part of the same mentality is the same as the "as long as it's not me" approach to fascism? Both are focusing on the near future to the detriment of the (not all that) distant future..
Nicole Parsons
in reply to evacide • • •I remain astonished by the amount of money Republican billionaires spent on buying a fascist takeover of the USA and the decades-long backsliding of democracy.
'This Is Just the Traceable Money': $2 Billion Pumped Into 2024 Election by Billionaire Families
julia-conley (Common Dreams)The Great Llama
in reply to evacide • • •Fleur Bergman
in reply to The Great Llama • • •Maybe it's just too early to spur on the majority to protest. After all, it was only a short while ago that most voters chose Donald T. as their leader. Letting go of a belief is difficult for humans, likely even if it is as stupid as believing Donald T. will eventually change their lives fot the better.
Quark Maker
in reply to evacide • • •If Democrat senators actually go along with this, they've just ensured that the Dem Party loses the midterms and possibly the next general election.
Even if there's some kind of legitimate aspect to this, and even if Schumer has absolutely 0% appeasement in his head, he's helping to sign the party's death warrant.
in reply to evacide • • •I used the backinf from the back of a pad of paper and did mine: Tiny Hands/Big Delutions and then in small print all over the back ground wrote, lies, grift and cheats. In tiny print I wrote "smells bad"
I am so petty but for $0.73 it's a bargain. I might do another one today.
in reply to evacide • • •