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H. Marina - 3MoreReps reshared this.

digging into last summer pics.. we went to nearby towns for a run - by running you can see a lot more around than walking.. sometimes hiking and climbing on hills and rocks..
on the way to Hanko☀️
#roadtrip #travel #running #hiking #summer #finland #sunflowers #sun #walking #fitness #health #naturaleza #landscape #forest #suomi #beautiful #nature #run #runner

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H. Marina - 3MoreReps reshared this.

L-sit -> Lolasana challenge

If you follow me from Mastodon
- from PeerTube/MakerTube I can't follow you back or see your posts, so please find me on Mastodon:
and on Pixelfed:

Who´s up for a calisthenics challenge here in Fediverse? 😀😆 i can also call it a yoga challenge as the poses are used in both.
Would you like to nail or improve L-sit and Tuck Planche (Lolasana)? it´s a lot more fun to do it together, join me and the more people the better! 😆

  • 4 weeks short drills mo-fri + full weekend workout.

What do you think?
let me know if you're in and let's have fun while getting stronger 😃

(spread the word if you think it´s a good idea! 😂 )

This entry was edited (2 days ago)

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H. Marina - 3MoreReps reshared this.

this guy was sitting for about an hour just in front of a window straight above a bird feeder 😲😍 maybe he could not leave all the food he could not eat or just realised that our yard is a safe place to stay and rest 😀
#woodpecker #bird #nature #pajaro #winter #windowview #countryside #naturaleza #birds #january

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H. Marina - 3MoreReps reshared this.

who´s up for a calisthenics/yoga challenge? to learn or improve Lolasana (tack planche) and L-sit? these are strength developing poses.
I´m thinking about short everyday videos for about a month 🤔
i´ll do it only if there are other than me people interested as it would be a lot more fun and motivation 😃
also.. did you know you can crop pictures in Pixelfed? 😲 i have just found out 😂
and if you use a web browser - there are also filters, i don´t know for how long they are there but I have just found them couple of days ago 😃
#calisthenics #yoga #challenge #fitnesschallenge #fitness #fit #yogachallenge #strengthtraining #workout #veganfitness #vegan #health #healthcare #fediverse #gym #training #online #homeworkout #pixelfed #mastodon #peertube #getfit #functionalfitness #gymlife #healthandfitness #fitnessmotivation

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in reply to Marina Helena

I did it on Facebook. But people probably did it on Instagram too. Those were not live. More like: capture yourself doing it and post.
in reply to Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪

ok, thank you for the info! 😃 i´ll search to check how it looked like 😆

H. Marina - 3MoreReps reshared this.

accidentally found this pic from the summer, some of our neithbours 😃😍
unfortunately i don´t think people have these beautiful creatures out of love to them😩 but i don´t know..
#counrtyside #village #animals #bull #ox #nature #neithbour #finland #suomi #farm #summer

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H. Marina - 3MoreReps reshared this.

who´s up for a calisthenics challenge here in Fediverse? i can also call it a yoga challenge as the poses are used in both.
I want to improve my L-sit and Tuck Planche (Lolasana) by doing approximately one month challenge but it´s a lot more fun if somebody else join, and the more people the better!
I´m thinking about planning everyday short video drill or a fun but helping pose variation. Good to start from a scratch and good to improve if you have already nailed the poses.
What do you think?
the goal is not only to archive or develope the poses, but also to gain more strength, to reduce stress, to become healthier and to have fun 😃
spread the word if you think it´s a good idea! 😂
#calisthenics #yoga #challenge #fitnesschallenge #fitness #fit #strengthtraining #workout #veganfitness #vegan #health #healthcare #fediverse #gym #training #online #home

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H. Marina - 3MoreReps reshared this.

3MoreReps creates yoga and fitness videos on PeerTube. You can follow at:

➡️ @3morereps_workouts

If the videos haven't all federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at…

You can also follow their Mastodon account at @3morereps

#Yoga #Fitness #Exercise #StrengthTraining #PersonalTrainer #PeerTube #PeerTubers

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in reply to Fedi.Video

@3morereps_workouts @3morereps @hankg


One of my planned projects this year is to get a vps and move my websites to it, as well as start up my own peer tube instance.