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Piratenpartei fordert Neustart bei der Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen

Die Piratenpartei schließt sich der Kritik des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC) an der elektronischen Patientenakte (ePA) an und fordert einen sofortigen Stopp der aktuellen Implementierung. Trotz mehrfacher Hinweise auf gravierende Sicherheitsmängel plant die Bundesregierung, die ePA ab Januar 2025 für alle Versicherten ohne deren ausdrückliche Zustimmung einzuführen.…

N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

We have updated our Peertube to version 7! Lots of cool stuff - read more here.

But the most important for us is the visual aspect. Now we are using the main and default and much improved Peertube themes (Dark/Light) with very very minimal changes (maybe 5 lines of CSS).

No more broken UI, no more being unable to have a proper dark theme, no headaches with every Peertube updated. They have made an awesome theme and we will go with that.

We need to promote this platform more often and I ask people to try and be a bit more brave ;) and prioritize Peertube. Post there like we do. Sure you may get less views, but you are growing a trade-free (saner) platform, and thus saner minds that do not have to be exposed to the tsunami of ads that Youtube infects every viewer with.

Congrats @PeerTube for doing an amazing job!

#peertube #youtube #videos #video #trom #tromsite #tromtf #trade-free

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in reply to Tio

@Tio not sure; but I tried also to set the browser's user agent to imitate firefox and it still didn't work, so it may just require more up-to-date web tech.
in reply to hosh

hm ok....I see what you mean

Maybe the people from @PeerTube have an answer.

We are heading towards completion of another milestone 😃

Thanks to @VishnuSanal, #Prav is on Google Play Store now. It requires a 2-week testing period before being open to public downloads. Right now, only authorized testers can test it.

If you are interested in testing, please share your Gmail address with us.

On the other hand, the app is free to download from #Fdroid. Please remember that the service is still in public beta.

Stay tuned!

#XMPP #privacy #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

friendica - Link to source

informapirata ⁂ reshared this.

friendica - Link to source

Si dice che le vendite di smartphone e laptop dotati di intelligenza artificiale stiano lentamente calando, ma qualcuno è sorpreso?

Non si tratta solo di un fuoco di paglia, ma dobbiamo chiarire alcune cose sull'intelligenza artificiale.

Quasi ogni anno riceviamo un rapporto che ci informa che qualcosa nel settore dei PC sta morendo o sta scomparendo, oppure che i giorni di qualche aspetto della tecnologia informatica sono contati.

@Intelligenza Artificiale…

informapirata ⁂ reshared this.

in reply to Informa Pirata

Ma infatti il prezzo di questa tipologia di dispositivi non ne giustifica l'acquisto da parte dei privati.
Tra qualche anno quando la tecnologia sarà più matura ed i prezzi dei dispositivi non saranno maggiorati allora sarà tutto un altro discorso.

Informa Pirata reshared this.

in reply to prealpinux

Più che altro, riparliamone quando non dovrò collegarmi ad un server chissàddove pagando un abbonamento.

Quando sarà in locale, allora sarà un altro discorso

Thank you anonymous human for the 300 Euros donation! Much much appreciated!

Tio reshared this.

Le Dita Nella Presa, Lista di Natale: i 10 migliori modi per silenziare

Puntata di natale che inizia con un lungo approfondimento sull'uso dei malware in Serbia, con riferimento anche alle tecnologie utilizzate per la loro installazione.

Sempre più chiaro il ruolo attivo di Meta nel silenziare le voci Palestinesi. L'azienda dice che il silenziamento è stato un effetto collaterale non voluto,ma le sue scuse sembrano peggiorare la situazione.

Seguono notizie su Copyright (da youtube alla Serie A), alfabetizzazione informatica, il mondo del bitcoin e altro ancora...…

@Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁)

TROM in numbers

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You want to sit down, relax, and watch something wonderful for these "holidays"? Watch Mammals -…

Wonderful documentary!

#bbc #nature #documentary #documentaries #mammals

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We have a new subscriber to our 200 for TROM! 94 Subscribers now. Thank you!

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TROM Send is back! This time we are using Jirafeau instead of Lufi. It is simpler and easier to use. Encrypted and up to 10GB of file sharing. Enjoy! :)

#filesharing #share #trom #tromtf

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Etiopia, ENDF in violazione dell’accordo di tregua per il Tigray nelle zone occupate

L'articolo proviene dal blog di @Davide Tommasin ዳቪድ ed è stato ricondiviso sulla comunità Lemmy @Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

Il Tigray, stato regionale dell’ Etiopia è stato teatro di una guerra genocida dal novembre 2020 al novembre 2022 in cui i gruppi in conflitto

Since we calculate our Petreon and Liberapay money as "people" (divide the amount by 5) we had to adjust the amount of people who support our 200 for TROM from 99 to 93. It is still great but we need more help ;).

We highly recommend that you use our 200 for TROM to support us and not the above ones since it is easier and most support comes from there anyway.

Thanks a lot!

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So our server was successfully updated to the latest Yunohost and Debian! Everything seems to work fine except our TROM Send (Lufi) that appears to be broken. We are looking for a fix or a replacement. Updating our server seems a bit more complicated because of the hosting provider probably.

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in reply to brerb

Yes I am not sure honestly. We run the latest synapse and element on our server....
in reply to TROM

@TROM yeah I'm in I think it was just not having the new matrix authentication service that lets you register through the app. cheers and thank you

Julian is the 99th TROM Supporter! Yuhuu! Thank you! #trom #tromsite #foss

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PravConf 2025 will be held at Model Engineering College in Kochi, India on the 1st of March 2025.

Webpage 👉

Mark your calendar and follow for updates😃

#Prav #PravConf #XMPP #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

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in reply to famubu

@famubu working for me now. Try if a different browser / connection works.

Jacinto has become our 98th TROM supporter! Thank you so much! Maybe we can reach 100 people by the end of the year! :)

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