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The usual Manjaro updates plus pay attention to the dependency hell that has been happening for the past 2 or so months.

Good piece by John Oliver about the situation in Gaza

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

I'm impressed at how informative and well researched this video was for a "comedy show"…

Eric Libertad reshared this.

Thank you Adam for becoming a supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign - - there are currently 38 people supporting us. We need 200 in total. It is just 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever basically. So please, if you can, help us.

You are supporting many projects: from a lot of trade-free content to many trade-free services like social networks, video platforms, and operating system and more.


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Ce samedi à #Tours manif dynamique contre le #SansAbrisme mais aux perspectives limitées car le refus de mettre en cause les collectivités locales et élus locaux est un frein pour agir : la #RequisitionLogementsVides n'est apparue que lors de la prise de parole FSU/SUDéducation/FCPE. Rejeter la faute sur l'Etat permet de faire oublier que le maire peut procéder à des réquisitions (CGCT art. L 2212-1° et 5°).…

Nos camarades de #DiePlattform organisent un café débat sur du mouvement #WomanLifeFreedom avec Azadi #Berlin qui présentera la situation en #Iran et la solidarité construite à Berlin et en #Allemagne : les bénéfices du café & viennoiseries leur seront versées.

Rassemblement à #Tours vendredi 17/19h pl. J. Jaurès en soutien à #Palestine : halte au massacre à #Gaza, cessez le feu immédiat !
Plus de 10820 mort·es dont plus de 4425 enfants, plus de 27000 blessé·es, des milliers de disparu·es !

A lesson about why "free" is not free

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Video and Music, two pieces of media almost entirely owned by a few giant companies. And they only allow you to enjoy them if you trade your attention primarily (watch ads), or data, or currency. That in a world where the digitization of media allows us to copy and share them infinitely at almost no cost in terms of resources.

That being said, you can still access these via trade-free interfaces.

For desktop use:

FreeTube - to access Youtube without ads, data collection or limitations.
Nuclear Player - to listen to any song that's out there. Again no ads, no data collection, no bullshit.

For mobile (android):

NewPipe - for a trade-free Youtube
InnerTune… - listen to any song you want without trading for it.


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