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De Fiets is Niets…

Today the Netherlands has a reputation as a kind of bicycling paradise. Dutch people own more bicycles per capita than any other place in the world. The country has more than 20,000 miles of dedicated cycling paths. International policymakers make pilgrimages to the Netherlands to learn how to create good bike infrastructure.

But none of that was inevitable. It wasn't something that magically emerged from Dutch culture.

In fact, in the 1960s and 70s, it looked like the Netherlands would follow the same path as the United States. The Dutch had fallen in love with cars and they were rebuilding their cities to make room for them. It was only because of a multi-decade pro-cycling movement that cars didn't take over the country entirely.

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Superbe visuel web sur le thème Construire les #ContrePouvoirs de nos camarades de #BlackRoseRosaNegra : alors que les campagnes pour les #Europennes2024 sont lancées, renforçons les mobilisations #Palestine, écolo, antifa, féministes (#25novembre) ainsi que le #SyndicalismeRevolutionnaire !

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300 (au début) 400 (à la fin) manifestant·es à #Tours cette AM pour la #Palestine : slogans classiques pour une manif familiale.
Il faut construire et massifier la mobilisation alors qu'en Israël l'opposition à la guerre grandit : nouvelle manif de milliers de Telavivien·nes ce jour.

Israel does not kill innocent people or genocide anyone in Gaza. And Hamas killed no civilians in Israel's attack and cares about democracy.

Get over it people! Listen to the leaders of these tribes! They are unbiased and honest.

in reply to Tio

yeah, it's sad to see how people fall for propaganda made by the Israeli government or Hamas.