Fact Check: Jeff Daniels Accepted $50K To Co-Star in "Dumb and Dumber," While Jim Carrey Took Home $7M?
A rumor about Carrey being paid around 140 times more than his co-star circulated on Reddit in August 2023. Here's the full story.
Oh wait, are people still eating 3 meals a day? I've only eaten 2 meals a day for the past....idk....2 decades? :D - and everyone I know probably.... I think 3 meals a day is too much. In fact there is a positive outcome to eating less. You age slower ;).
Anyway, yeah people are being poorer it seems. Prices are rising. Thank God for the mighty Economy and the fantasy money we worship :)
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Fact Check: Shocking Pics Show Osama Bin Laden Posing with Obama, Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton?
"Pictures are worth a thousand words," one Reddit user captioned the viral collage.
Adam ruins the social networks conversation
Why We’re Still Trapped on Twitter
It's no secret that Elon Musk has absolutely tanked Twitter, so why haven't we all left? Despite the site becoming an apocalyptic hellscape, there's a surpri...YouTube
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Fact Check: The Internet Says a Goldfish Kept in a Dark Room Will Eventually Turn White. True?
The ornamental fish get their namesake hue from a number of factors, including genetics and diet.
Our TROMjaro trade-free apps library now displays an excerpt for all of the apps in the library for the APPS main page:
This has been requested for years now and we finally did it. It is indeed super useful to know what these apps are about from the main page, without having to open them.
Enjoy over 650 trade-free apps tromjaro.com/apps/ #tromlive
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Pas de trêve des confiseurs pour les nationalismes, les intégrismes et l'#ExtremeDroite : coordonner, rassembler, construire !
Fact Check: Jimmy Carter Said Christianity Was 'Hijacked' by People Who Would Give Jesus 'the Boot'?
The quote has been shared online in memes that featured pictures of the former president.
Fact Check: Zoo Separates Parrots After They Chant ‘Let’s Go Brandon’?
In 2021, the phrase "Let's go Brandon" surfaced as a way for Republicans to express displeasure at the Biden administration.
We have removed Paypal from our donation options for our 200 for TROM campaign tromsite.com/donate/ because it was not working properly and because Paypal was not supporting recurring donations without a card anyway, therefore you were still forced to use a card for creating a donation. Therefore we are now relying one Stripe for the donations, which works perfectly fine. Anyone who has a credit card can donate to our ongoing campaign.
Those who are still donating through Paypal can still donate, so no worries about that. But if you can switch to Stripe it would be more reliable. Simple log in to tromsite.com/access and under the Donor Dashboard change the payment option. In case you need help contact us via tromsite.com/contact/
And a lot of thank-yous to those who support TROM via our campaign. We are still in need of a lot more support so if you can, please consider a donation.
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La trampa de la neutralidad
Una vez más cuellilargo 🦕 para no perder la esperanza.
La trampa de la neutralidad (feat. PANTUBE) #PantubeNoEsNeutral
🍞ENLACES PANTUBE🍞Web Pantube: https://pantube.tv/Telegram: https://t.me/+jWCNzede1pw4MmRkMastodon: https://mas.to/@pantubeInstagram: https://www.instagram....YouTube
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Fact Check: Greta Thunberg Called for a Ban on Vibrators To Help Save the Planet?
A viral video claimed Thunberg said, "Finger yourself or ask your friends to do it."
Fact Check: Did Israeli Soldiers Stage the Capture of a Hamas Fighter, as Seen on Fox News?
Pro-Palestinian accounts on social media shared footage of a Fox News clip they claimed showed the Israeli army's deception.
Were Palestinians Stopped from Gathering Rainwater as It’s Deemed ‘Israeli Property’?
A post on X cited a 2011 report claiming that "Rainwater is the property of Israel."
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in reply to Tio • • •Do you really eat only 2 meals a day or was it a joke? I used to do this when I had a fucked up sleep cycle but had to stop because of the fatigue.
I actually gained a lot of weight during recent months so I'm trying to cut down on my food intake and do some exercises, but I'd rather eat 3 smaller meals a day than only eat 2 of those - I think that's the healthier way of eating less 🙃
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in reply to Tio • • •Tio
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