Fact Check: Does This Video Show a Real Ice Sculpture Made During the Polar Vortex?
There are some very cool things you can do with water when it's cold outside.
#NoOneIsIllegal #BordersAreMurders #AbolishFortressEurope
#NoBorders #NoNations #stopdeportations
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Fact Check: Did Trump Say Nikki Haley Was 'in Charge of Security' on January 6?
In a January 2024 campaign speech, Trump appeared to blame rival GOP candidate Nikki Haley for the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Fact Check: Did Trump Tell Iowa Crowd in 2024 that He'll Be President for the Next '4 Years and Beyond'?
Users on X (formerly Twitter) posted only 14 seconds of what former U.S. President Donald Trump said. We reviewed his complete remarks.
Fact Check: Center Holes in Spaghetti Spoons Meant for Measuring Serving Sizes?
Just as spoon design varies, so do serving sizes for spaghetti noodles.
Do you remember hearing the news of #Google trying to enable #telemetry by default in the #Go programming language? Apparently they've been doing the same with their #Flutter UI toolkit all this time 😐 Their docs also mention that "By downloading or using the Flutter SDK you agree to the Google Terms of Service." - linking to Google's general terms and service policy at policies.google.com/terms
This is a github issue requesting Flutter to make their #analytics opt-in for complying with EU/ECC laws (#GDPR). That issue was closed in 2021, now three years later and the telemetry is still there enabled by default. And even if you try to opt-out they'll still ping Google's servers to let them know you've opted out, as per their docs.
When Google tried to add telemetry to the Go language last year it made news and there was significant backlash from the community, enough for them to reverse course and make their telemetry opt-in rather than turning data collection on by default - theregister.com/2023/05/17/goo…
Unfortunately the same didn't happen with Dart/Flutter so far, which means you're likely to face more data collection there by default.
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Rokosun, Olives, dbread, Juan, Pxl Phile, Nasha, assirius9, Athena, ✊ 🇵🇸, pscrapy, Sven Slootweg, Charles U. Farley, The Doctor, mmu_man, F4GRX Sébastien, bigjsl, frej, (Flawed) Anarchist ⚑, Shannon Prickett, Bertrand Marne, sela&, mia, rose, coolbean (account has been reverted to before we moved back to this instance) and :sgahri_shy: Vavency :sgahri_sparkle: reshared this.
Fact Check: Does Photo Show Bill Belichick Ordering at Chick-fil-A in Atlanta?
A user on X (formerly Twitter) claimed to have photographed the former New England Patriots coach wearing a suit and tie while grabbing a bite to eat.
Fact Check: Photos: Scandinavian Airlines Food and Luxury Through the Years
Passengers on Scandinavian Airlines dined on caviar, turtle soup and lobster, just to name a few of the many dishes offered by flight crew members.
En attendant le retour du site internet de l'Organisation de Solidarité Trans, lisez l'entretien d'Alice dans #AlternativeLibertaire : face à l'offensive transphobe, l'anticapitalisme est nécessaire aux luttes trans !
#Transphobie #Transitude #Transidentite #TransRightsAreHumanRights
Alice Vaude (OST) : « L’anticapitalisme est nécessaire aux luttes trans »
L’Organisation de solidarité trans (OST) est une organisation nationale associative trans qui allie autosupport et luttes revendicatives. Une de leur deux secrétaires nationales, Alice Vaude, a accordé une interview à Alternative libertaire.
Alternative libertaire : D’où vient l’OST ? Comment et pourquoi vous êtes vous nationalisés ?
Alice Vaude : Au début, c’était vraiment pour combler un vide qu’il y avait à Tours. Déjà à l’époque on était pas uniquement une association d’auto-support, mais aussi de lutte, et c’est cette dualité qui nous représentait et nous représente toujours.
On en est à un point où les attaques anti-trans augmentent : les conservateurs et les réactionnaires, comme dans les assos Ypomoni ou l’Observatoire de la petite sirène, mènent un lobbying et des attaques politiques incessantes. La France suit la voie du Royaume-Uni où les réac’ mènent des attaques législatives contre les trans au Parlement : ça arrive en France, où il n’y a aujourd’hui pas de voix trans portée à l’échelle nationale.
Cette voix, on pense qu’elle doit exister et, pour ça, qu’il faut une association nationale. Une autre nécessité est celle d’avoir un outil pour mettre en place de l’auto-support, car fonder une organisation locale coûte beaucoup plus que de se rattacher à une organisation nationale. Ça permet aussi de pouvoir dialoguer et entrer en contact avec les autres organisations du mouvement social (féministes, syndicales, antiracistes, antivalidistes...).
On ne s’est pas lancé·es sur une extension nationale tout de suite, on a d’abord posé des bases démocratiques et de fonctionnement stables à Tours avant de créer d’autres sections locales, comme à Nîmes. Aujourd’hui, avec cinq sections, il y a un bon fonctionnement entre la routine des sections et la politique menée nationalement.
Quelles relations l’OST entretient avec le monde associatif trans ?
L’associatif trans est très dispersé, avec très peu de contacts depuis la mort de la Fédération Trans Inter. Il est surtout concentré sur l’autosupport. Le travail fourni par l’ensemble du mouvement est nécessaire, la présence de militant·es plus ancien·nes est aussi importante. De fait on travaille et on construit ensemble, comme à l’ExisTransInter.
Dans le futur, il faudrait réussir en tant que mouvement trans à construire un rapport de force, et pour ça, il serait intéressant d’avoir un espace de mise en commun des forces. On est tou·tes uni·es par la volonté d’apporter du soutien aux personnes trans, notamment au vu des conditions que la transitude apporte.
Quelles sont les oppressions vécues par les personnes trans dans le monde du travail et comment les combattre selon vous ?
L’immense majorité des personnes trans sont des travailleurs travailleuses précaires car les parcours de transitions mènent à des pressions dans les entreprises, à la placardisation et au harcèlement. Cela débouche souvent sur une sortie du monde du travail salarié et à l’isolement, cercle vicieux bouclé par des discriminations à l’embauche. Ce phénomène est d’autant plus vrai pour les femmes immigrées, qui, exclues du travail salarié, sont poussées vers la prostitution.
Il ne s’agit pas d’un schéma dépendant de quelques patrons transphobes mais bien des conséquences du système capitaliste et patriarcal. En conséquence, un de nos rôles est de faire gagner une conscience de classe aux travailleurs et travailleuses trans car on ne pourra pas améliorer nos conditions de vies en tant que trans si on n’améliore pas celles de toutes et tous les travailleurs.
Dans ce sens nous invitons toutes les personnes trans à se syndiquer, à rejoindre des organisations politiques révolutionnaires. En plus de cela nous avons pu amorcer un travail auprès de certains syndicats, unions départementales et régionales afin de pouvoir les armer face à la transphobie dans le monde du travail. Ce travail a particulièrement porté ses fruits avec des syndicats de la santé. On a tout intérêt à un rapprochement entre le mouvement syndical et le mouvement trans, à ouvrir des lieux de discussions, de formation.
L’anticapitalisme est nécessaire aux luttes trans, l’autosupport est essentiel mais il s’agi d’un soin palliatif et il faut lutter aux racines du système capitaliste, patriarcal, impérialiste et raciste. Mais l’inverse est également vrai : la lutte politique ne se suffit pas.
D’après ce que tu dis on peut comprendre que l’OST a une perspective révolutionnaire, est-ce le cas ?
L’OST est une organisation de masse, elle vise à regrouper toutes les personnes trans quels que soient leurs courants idéologiques. Cela ne nous empêche pas d’avoir des lignes politiques révolutionnaires, marxistes, anti-impérialistes, féministes radicales. On recrute largement sur la base de l’entraide et on se forme pour avoir des perspectives politiques pour et par les personnes trans.
Et en effet nous sommes critiques des politiques bourgeoises et réformistes qui ont été portées quant aux personnes trans. Les promesses ne sont pas tenues et quand il y a des législations pro-trans les associations ne sont pas consultées et leurs préconisations sont ignorées. Même si certains conseils comme celui à la santé sont intéressants à occuper, la représentation dans les lieux de pouvoir de la démocratie bourgeoise n’est pas un objectif.
Quelles sont vos activités de terrain ?
Les sections de l’OST tiennent des permanences pour accueillir les personnes trans, et pour les accompagner mais aussi créer du lien entre ces dernières car elles sont souvent isolées. Les sections s’investissent également dans les luttes sociales et participent à les construire. Pendant la réforme des retraites nous étions présent·es à Tours en tant qu’OST, et aujourd’hui nous sommes de toutes les manifestations en soutien au peuple palestinien.
Une fois que ce travail est fait, nous cherchons à construire des luttes trans locales. Par exemple, vers Lille, nous œuvrons à créer un front antifasciste large (y compris avec l’UCL) pour réagir face à l’extrême droite qui diffuse des tracts anti-trans.
Il y a une date pour réagir à l’offensive transphobe massive qui est en cours, c’est le 12 octobre 2024 où nous invitons à une présence politique et syndicale forte à la marche de l’ExisTransInter pour imposer un rapport de force contre la montée du front médiatique et institutionnel anti-trans en France.
Propos recueillis par Lou et Lou (UCL Grenoble)
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Fact Check: Is This Real Video of Plane on Fire After Take-Off from Miami Airport?
The video, originally posted as an Instagram story, quickly spread around the internet.
Ohio Facebook User Posts Photos of Drugs Purportedly Found in Reese's Pieces Bag Bought from Kroger
A Facebook post from January 2024 showed two pictures of the candy package and said that the Gahanna Police Department had been notified.
Fact Check: Is This a Real Image of Barron Trump?
The teen was photographed towering over his family at his maternal grandmother's funeral.
Bentonite Market High Demand, Recent Trends, Future Growth, Business Scenario, Product, Technology, Share and Forecasts 2023 – 2032
Emergen Research latest document, titled ‘Global Bentonite Market - Forecast to 2032,’ is one of the most sought-after market reports involving an in-depth analysis of the global Bentonite market. The report’s authors have offered necessary details on the latest Bentonite market trends and the crucial parameters impacting both short-term and long-term market growth. Its panoramic view of the Bentonite industry entails useful insights into the estimated Bentonite market size, revenue share, and sales & distribution networks.
The global bentonite market size was USD 2.00 Billion in 2022 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period. Increasing need for bentonite in the oil and gas industry, growing need for iron ore pellet production in steel manufacturing, and rising demands from the drilling industry are major factors driving the market revenue growth.
Such helpful market insights are bound to help readers outline this industry’s key outcome in the near future. Those are further intended to assist businesses involved in this sector in sound decision-making and formulating lucrative business plans. The primary addressees of this report include some of the globally renowned venture capitalists. The report offers these individuals a vivid description of the competitive spectrum of the global Bentonite market.
To Get a PDF Sample Copy of the Report, visit @ emergenresearch.com/request-sa…
Market Scope:
One of the report’s central components is the broad Bentonite market segmentation that includes the product type gamut, application spectrum, end-user industry landscape, significant geographical regions, and the top market contenders. The report contains unbiased industry expert opinions on the current market scenario, past market performance, production & consumption rates, demand & supply ratio, and revenue generation forecasts over the estimated period. The key players’ financial positions, along with their gross profits, sales volumes, sales revenue, manufacturing costs, and other financial ratios, have been accurately gauged in the report. Furthermore, several analytical tools like investment assessment, SWOT analysis, and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis have been implemented by our analysts’ team to evaluate the production and distribution capacities of the Bentonite market players.
Highlights of the TOC:
Report Overview
1.1 Research Scope
1.2 Key Bentonite market segments
1.3 Major players
1.4 Market analysis by product
1.5 Market analysis by application
1.6 Report timeline
Global Growth Trends
2.1 Global Bentonite market size
2.2 Latest Bentonite market trends
2.3 Key growth trends
Competitive Landscape
3.1 Global Bentonite market key players
3.2 Global Bentonite size by manufacturers
3.3 Products of major players
3.4 Entry barriers in the Bentonite market
3.5 Mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and strategic alliances
Key geographical areas:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Leading Players Profiled in the Report:
Black Hills Bentonite LLC, Halliburton, Kemira, Charles B Chrystal Co., Mineral Technologies, Clariant, Alfa Aesar, Kutch Minerals, Kunimine Industries Co., Ltd. and Ashapura Group
Gain Access to the Complete Report @ emergenresearch.com/industry-r…
Key questions addressed in the report:
What are the key factors driving the global Bentonite market?
Who are the key manufacturers in this market space?
Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of this market?
What are the market opportunities and risks affecting the performance of the vendors in the global Bentonite market?
What are the sales and revenue estimations for the top manufacturers in this market over the projected timeline?
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Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyse consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware of the latest trends existent in the market. Emergen Research has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise. Our industry experience and ability to develop a concrete solution to any research problems provides our clients with the ability to secure an edge over their respective competitors.
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Eric Lee
Corporate Sales Specialist
Emergen Research
Direct Line: +1 (604) 757-9756
E-mail: sales@emergenresearch.com
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Trending Report: Screen Writing and Annotation Software Market | Virtual Customer Premises Equipment Market
Trending Title: Electronic Cash Register Market | U.S. Assistive Technology for Disabilities Market
Hydrogen Electrolyzer Market Size, Scope, Growth Opportunities, Trends by Manufacturers And Forecast to 2032
Emergen Research's latest market research report, titled Global Hydrogen Electrolyzer Market, provides estimated market size and shares, latest industry trends, global market growth rates, key drivers and opportunities, constraints, product segmentation, and major market players. Cost structure, market size, competitive landscape, product portfolio and specifications, and company profiles.
The global hydrogen electrolyzer market size was USD 441.0 Million in 2022 and is expected to register a rapid revenue CAGR of 24.2% during the forecast period. An electrolyzer is a device with ability to separate the oxygen and hydrogen atoms from water molecules, and a hydrogen electrolyzer is a device that, through a chemical process called electrolysis, generates hydrogen by splitting the water molecules into their hydrogen and oxygen components using electricity.
This report is a fair prototype of the Hydrogen Electrolyzer-industry containing an in-depth study of the global Hydrogen Electrolyzer market. This report serves as a valuable source of data and information related to this industry. It covers various industry aspects with a particular focus on market scope and application areas. The report identifies the fundamental business strategies adopted by industry experts and offers an insightful study on the value chains and distribution channels of the global market. The report authors have also analyzed current industry trends, growth potential, current overview, and market limitations.
To Get Sample Copy: emergenresearch.com/request-sa…
Key market aspects studied in the report:
Market Scope: The report explains the scope of various commercial possibilities in the global Hydrogen Electrolyzer market over the upcoming years. The estimated revenue build-up over the forecast years has been included in the report. The report analyzes the key market segments and sub-segments and provides deep insights into the market to assist readers with the formulation of lucrative strategies for business expansion.
Competitive Outlook: The leading companies operating in the Hydrogen Electrolyzer market have been enumerated in this report. This section of the report lays emphasis on the geographical reach and production facilities of these companies. To get ahead of their rivals, the leading players are focusing more on offering products at competitive prices, according to our analysts.
Report Objective: The primary objective of this report is to provide the manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and buyers engaged in this sector with access to a deeper and improved understanding of the global Hydrogen Electrolyzer market.
To access the full coverage of the global Hydrogen Electrolyzer market report, visit @ emergenresearch.com/industry-r…
Competitive Terrain:
The global Hydrogen Electrolyzer industry is highly consolidated owing to the presence of renowned companies operating across several international and local segments of the market. These players dominate the industry in terms of their strong geographical reach and a large number of production facilities. The companies are intensely competitive against one another and excel in their individual technological capabilities, as well as product development, innovation, and product pricing strategies.
Leading Market Players Profiled in the Report:
Nel ASA., Siemens, McPhy Energy S.A., ITM Power PLC, Gaztransport & Technigaz, Giner Inc, Tianjin Mainland Hydrogen Equipment Co., Ltd., Green Hydrogen Systems, iGas energy GmbH, Beijing CEI Technology Co., Ltd., Next Hydrogen, Air Liquide, Ballard Power Systems, Enapter S.r.l., Plug Power Inc., Bloom Energy, Pure energy centre, Idro Energy, Erre Due s.p.a, and Swiss Hydrogen SA
Regional Outlook:
North America (the U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (the U.K., Germany, France, Italy)
Asia Pacific (India, China, Japan, Korea)
Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile)
Middle East & Africa (Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran)
Market Segmentation:
Product Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019–2032)
Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer
Alkaline electrolyzer
Solid oxide electrolyzer
Capacity Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019–2032)
Low (<=150 kW0)
Medium (150kw-1mw)
150-400 kw
400-750 kW
Hight (> 1mW)
1-10 mW10-20 mW
10-20 mW
Above 20 mW
Outlet Pressure Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019–2032)
Low (<=10 Bar)
Medium (150 Bar-40 Bar)
High (>40 Bar)
Key reasons to buy the Global Hydrogen Electrolyzer Market report:
The latest report comprehensively studies the global Hydrogen Electrolyzer market size and provides useful inference on numerous aspects of the market, such as the current business trends, market share, product offerings, and product share.
The report offers an insightful analysis of the regional outlook of the market.
It offers a detailed account of the end-use applications of the products & services offered by this industry.
The report holistically covers the latest developments taking place in this industry. Therefore, it lists the most effective business strategies implemented by the market rivals for ideal business expansion.
Request customization of the report @ emergenresearch.com/request-fo…
Thank you for reading our report. For further details or to inquire about customization, please let us know and we will offer you the report as per your needs.
About Us:
Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyse consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware of the latest trends existent in the market. Emergen Research has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise. Our industry experience and ability to develop a concrete solution to any research problems provides our clients with the ability to secure an edge over their respective competitors.
Contact Us:
Eric Lee
Corporate Sales Specialist
Emergen Research
Direct Line: +1 (604) 757-9756
E-mail: sales@emergenresearch.com
Visit for More Insights: emergenresearch.com/insights
Trending Report: Cloud Encryption Market | Medical Imaging Market
Trending Title: Acrylonitrile Market | Business Process Management Market
La lutte contre la #LoiImmigration continue en #IndreEtLoire : manifestation #21janvier à 15h Pl. J. Jaurès à #Tours N'attendons rien du Conseil Constitutionnel, luttons pour l'égalité des droits afin d'unifier le monde du travail contre l'Etat et le Capital : #UneSeuleClasseOuvriere !
La lutte contre la #LoiImmigration continue en #IndreEtLoire : manifestation #21janvier à 15h Pl. J. Jaurès à #Tours N'attendons rien du Conseil Constitutionnel, luttons pour l'égalité des droits afin d'unifier le monde du travail contre l'Etat et le Capital : #UneSeuleClasseOuvriere !
A l' appel de plus de 40 associations, collectifs, orgas syndicales et politiques, nous avons été plus d'un millier à manifester dans les rues de Tours, dimanche 14 janvier, contre cette loi raciste et xénophobe. Soyons encore plus nombreux/ses dimanche 21 janvier
Partant d’une situation dramatique avec une crise de l’accueil en cours depuis des années dans le pays, cette loi va aggraver les conditions d’existence des étranger·ères sur le sol français.
Cette loi raciste et xénophobe restreint le droit au séjour, accentue considérablement la répression, s'attaque au droit d'asile, au droit du sol, aux étranger·ères malades, aux étudiant·es non européen·nes, au regroupement familial.
L'attaque contre l'hébergement d'urgence, le durcissement de l'accès aux prestations sociales dont les allocations familiales et les aides aux logements vont jeter des familles à la rue ou dans les bras de marchands de sommeil, particulièrement les femmes migrantes. Cette loi va précariser davantage les travailleuses et travailleurs, les lycéen·nes, les étudiant·es avec ou sans papiers.
L’extrême droitisation de la politique gouvernementale s’insère désormais dans la loi, grâce à l’alliance des macronistes, de la droite et de l’extrême droite. Il s'agit de la loi la plus régressive depuis 40 ans. Cette loi s'attaque aux libertés publiques, bafoue les droits fondamentaux tel que le droit d'asile et réinstaure la double peine. La démocratie doit se bâtir sur des valeurs d'égalité entre toutes et tous. Nous exigeons l’abandon de cette loi. Nous avons une responsabilité collective à poursuivre une action massive et populaire
contre cette loi qui banalise un projet raciste et xénophobe. Toutes les organisations appellent à une mobilisation la plus forte possible contre cette loi, le dimanche 21 janvier, et jusqu’à son abandon.
Nous soutenons les personnes sans-papiers, menacé.es d'expulsion, les élu·es qui continueront à verser des allocations, les médecins qui soigneront, les enseignant·es qui protégeront leurs élèves et les syndicats qui agiront.
Signataires :
Associations et collectifs : Action Féministes Tours, AMMI-Val d'Amboise, ATTAC 37, Chrétiens Migrants, CIMADE37, CIP 37, Collectif Notre Santé en Danger 37, Collectif Pas d’Enfants à la Rue, Convergence Services Publics 37, Dernière Rénovation Tours, Emmaüs 100 pour 1, Entraide et Solidarité, Extinction Rébellion, FEUTRE, ICEM - Pédagogie Freinet 37, Le CAT, LISTE,
Organisation de Solidarité Trans Tours, Réseau Féministe 37, RESF 37, La Retirada 37, LDH 37, Le collectif des sports et loisirs pour les migrants chinonais, Les Soulèvements De La Terre Touraine, Naya, Stop Harcèlement De Rue Tours, La Table de Jeanne Marie, Tours Antifa, Utopia 56
Syndicats : FSE, SET, SOLIDAIRES 37, Solidaires étudiant.es, USL 37
Organisations politiques : CATDP, Les Ecologistes 37, GES 37, Les Jeunes Ecologistes 37, Les Jeunes Insoumis.es 37, Jeunes Socialistes Touraine, LFI 37, MJCF 37, NPA 37, Parti des Travailleurs 37, PCF 37, PCOF 37, Parti de Gauche 37, POI 37, PS 37, UCL 37
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The Moon and Jupiter tonight:
The image is a composite - I took separate photos for each with the telescope and the phone. The original photo looks something like this through the binoculars:
But you can zoom into the first photo and you can even see Jupiter's moons :)
#astrophotography #nature #moon #jupiter #nightsky #photography #pixel4a
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hypnobeard, (((Horschtel))) born at 315ppm, messidor_, (: aNNa :) blume, Roma and Georgi like this.
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Carolyna Luna, Girl on the Net, Michael / マイケル and AutisticMumTo3 reshared this.
There are 4 services that we use for TROM.tf via @YunoHost that are either broken or not updated in some time. I will try to look more into, but these are :
Friendica github.com/YunoHost-Apps/frien… see github.com/YunoHost-Apps/frien…
Nextcloud github.com/YunoHost-Apps/nextc… see github.com/YunoHost-Apps/nextc…
Discourse that's broken github.com/YunoHost-Apps/disco…
And unfortunately Peertube that seems to suffer from some bugs with the update github.com/YunoHost-Apps/peert…
If anyone can help out that'd be awesome, because it would help us all. If not at least support Yunohost financially if you can afford that donate.yunohost.org/
Yunohost is a fantastic project that allows us to provide so many trade-free services for everyone.
I hope they/we can find a solution for these packages....
GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/friendica_ynh: Friendica package for YunoHost
Friendica package for YunoHost. Contribute to YunoHost-Apps/friendica_ynh development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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0xd9a 🏴☠️️, Jacob Urlich 🌍 and Rokosun reshared this.
Global Biohacking Market Size by Growth Rate, Business Challenges, Competitors, and Forecast 2032
Emergen Research latest document, titled ‘Global Biohacking Market - Forecast to 2032,’ is one of the most sought-after market reports involving an in-depth analysis of the global Biohacking market. The report’s authors have offered necessary details on the latest Biohacking market trends and the crucial parameters impacting both short-term and long-term market growth. Its panoramic view of the Biohacking industry entails useful insights into the estimated Biohacking market size, revenue share, and sales & distribution networks.
The global biohacking market size was USD 21.5 Billion in 2022 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 19.3% during the forecast period. Steady market revenue growth can be attributed to increasing prevalence of chronic diseases among geriatric population, growing awareness about biohacking and rising adoption of smart devices and drugs by consumers.
Such helpful market insights are bound to help readers outline this industry’s key outcome in the near future. Those are further intended to assist businesses involved in this sector in sound decision-making and formulating lucrative business plans. The primary addressees of this report include some of the globally renowned venture capitalists. The report offers these individuals a vivid description of the competitive spectrum of the global Biohacking market.
To Get a PDF Sample Copy of the Report, visit @ emergenresearch.com/request-sa…
Market Scope:
One of the report’s central components is the broad Biohacking market segmentation that includes the product type gamut, application spectrum, end-user industry landscape, significant geographical regions, and the top market contenders. The report contains unbiased industry expert opinions on the current market scenario, past market performance, production & consumption rates, demand & supply ratio, and revenue generation forecasts over the estimated period. The key players’ financial positions, along with their gross profits, sales volumes, sales revenue, manufacturing costs, and other financial ratios, have been accurately gauged in the report. Furthermore, several analytical tools like investment assessment, SWOT analysis, and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis have been implemented by our analysts’ team to evaluate the production and distribution capacities of the Biohacking market players.
Highlights of the TOC:
Report Overview
1.1 Research Scope
1.2 Key Biohacking market segments
1.3 Major players
1.4 Market analysis by product
1.5 Market analysis by application
1.6 Report timeline
Global Growth Trends
2.1 Global Biohacking market size
2.2 Latest Biohacking market trends
2.3 Key growth trends
Competitive Landscape
3.1 Global Biohacking market key players
3.2 Global Biohacking size by manufacturers
3.3 Products of major players
3.4 Entry barriers in the Biohacking market
3.5 Mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and strategic alliances
Key geographical areas:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Leading Players Profiled in the Report:
Apple Inc. Fitbit, The ODIN, MOODMETRIC, Thync Global, Inc., Thriveport, LLC, Muse, Synbiota, TrackMyStack, Grindhouse Wetware, Synthego, Pavlok, Biohacker Center Store, Nuanic, Health Via Modern Nutrition (HVMN), OsteoStrong, Intelligent Implants, Hexoskin, Åura Health Oy., Empatica Inc
Gain Access to the Complete Report @ emergenresearch.com/industry-r…
Key questions addressed in the report:
What are the key factors driving the global Biohacking market?
Who are the key manufacturers in this market space?
Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of this market?
What are the market opportunities and risks affecting the performance of the vendors in the global Biohacking market?
What are the sales and revenue estimations for the top manufacturers in this market over the projected timeline?
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Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyse consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware of the latest trends existent in the market. Emergen Research has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise. Our industry experience and ability to develop a concrete solution to any research problems provides our clients with the ability to secure an edge over their respective competitors.
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Eric Lee
Corporate Sales Specialist
Emergen Research
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Communiqué unitaire des organisations picarde suite à une agression verbale à l'université d'Amiens : face au néofascisme, réaction immédiate et unitaire !
Derrière le #fascisme se cache le Capital
La lutte #antifasciste est internationale !
Rdv dimanche contre la #LoiImmigration
Ce mardi 16 janvier, aux alentours de 7h alors qu'il se tenait dans le bâtiment du pôle cathédrale et discutait avec ses ami-es, un étudiant s'est fait agressé verbalement et menacé de " régler ça dehors " parce qu'il portait comme vêtement un pull arborant l'inscription et le symbole éco-anarchiste. Quelques minutes plus tard, un second l’alpague " t'es antifasciste, tu vas devoir assumer, fait attention à toi dehors " .
Ces agressions verbales et menaces inqualifiables émanant de l’extrême droite étudiante n’ont leur place ni dans une université qui se veut inclusive, solidaire et émancipatrice, ni ailleurs dans la société. Cette agression est l'illustration même de la violence de l'extrême droite et de sa volonté de faire disparaître, y compris physiquement, les opposant-es à leurs idées.
Cela s'inscrit également dans un contexte de forte banalisation de l'extrême droite, par le gouvernement et sa majorité, qui rendent possible dans l’espace public ce genre de comportements inadmissibles.
Nous exigeons de l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne qu’elle assure la sécurité des étudiant·es de l'université et qu'elle condamne les agissements de l'extrême droite universitaire en prenant les dispositions disciplinaires nécessaires.
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Liquid Biopsy Market Share, Demand, Industry Analysis, Growth, Applications, Types and Forecasts Report 2030
Emergen Research’s latest market research report focuses on the global Liquid Biopsy market, and the report provides in-depth analysis of each of its major segments. Reports about the global Liquid Biopsy market provide a comprehensive overview of the market, including market size, revenue growth rate, industry statistics, revenue shares among regional markets, gross profits, production costs, and product portfolios. The report also highlights the most important factors influencing industry revenue growth, including drivers, opportunities, trends, restraints, challenges, demand and supply ratios, production and consumption patterns, strict regulatory frameworks, and a multitude of micro-economic and macro-economic factors.
The global liquid biopsy market size is expected to reach USD 7,645.0 Million in 2030 and register a revenue CAGR of 20.3% over the forecast period, according to the latest analysis by Emergen Research. Rise in demand for early cancer detection is a key factor driving global liquid biopsy market revenue growth.
Liquid Biopsy industry projections and qualitative and quantitative assessments have been provided by the report's authors. The SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis are some of the most important components of this report that provide insight into the highly competitive environment of the industry. A detailed analysis of the global Liquid Biopsy market is presented in the report, including North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Aside from revenue growth drivers & restraints, production & consumption patterns, changing consumer preferences, and stringent regulatory standards, this report also examines other key aspects of regional markets.
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Leading manufacturers profiled in the report:
Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Adaptive Biotechnologies, NeoGenomics Laboratories, Guardant Health, Inc., RainDance Technologies, Inc., Biocept, Inc., Qiagen N.V., Trovagene, Inc., and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
The research may be useful for leading businesses looking for new sources of income, as well as for businesses aiming to diversify into new markets or expand their current operations, as well as for businesses seeking to diversify into new markets.
How will this Report Benefit you?
An Emergen Research report of 250 pages features 194 tables, 189 charts, and graphics. Our new study is ideal for anyone who wants to learn about the global Liquid Biopsy market commercially and deeply, as well as to analyze the market segments in depth. With the help of our recent study, you can analyze the entire regional and global market for Liquid Biopsy. To increase market share, you must obtain financial analysis of the entire market and its segments. Our research suggests there are significant opportunities in this rapidly expanding market for energy storage technology. Look at how you might take advantage of these revenue-generating opportunities. Additionally, the research will help you develop growth strategies, strengthen competitor analysis, and improve business productivity by enabling you to make better strategic decisions.
Target Audience of the Global Liquid Biopsy Market Report:
Key Market Players
Venture capitalists
Small- and medium-sized and large enterprises
Third-party knowledge providers
Value-Added Resellers (VARs)
Global market producers, distributors, traders, and suppliers
Research organizations, consulting companies, and various alliances interested in this sector
Government bodies, independent regulatory authorities, and policymakers
Major Geographies Analyzed in the Report:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Market Segmentation by Product Type & Application:
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018–2028)
Assays Kits
Circulating Biomarkers Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018–2028)
Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA)
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs)
Extracellular Vesicles (EVs)
Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA)
Other Circulating Biomarkers
Sample Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2018–2028)
Blood Sample based
Urine Sample based
Other Bio Fluids based
For further details on this report, visit @ emergenresearch.com/industry-r…
Additional information offered by the report:
Along with a complete overview of the global Liquid Biopsy market, the report provides detailed scrutiny of the diverse market trends observed on both regional and global levels.
The report elaborates on the global Liquid Biopsy market size and share governed by the major geographies.
It performs a precise market growth forecast analysis, cost analysis, and a study of the micro- and macro-economic indicators.
It further presents a detailed description of the company profiles of the key market contenders.
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Thank you for reading our report. Customization of the report is available according to the requirements of our clients. Kindly get in touch with us to know more about the customization options, and our team will ensure the report is tailored according to your needs.
About Us:
Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyse consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware of the latest trends existent in the market. Emergen Research has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise. Our industry experience and ability to develop a concrete solution to any research problems provides our clients with the ability to secure an edge over their respective competitors.
Contact Us:
Eric Lee
Corporate Sales Specialist
Emergen Research
Direct Line: +1 (604) 757-9756
E-mail: sales@emergenresearch.com
Visit for More Insights: emergenresearch.com/insights
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