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Mafia Involved in Making of 'The Godfather'?

During the production of the movie masterpiece, director Francis Ford Coppola found himself entangled with real-life New York crime families.…

3 more people have joined our 200 for TROM campaign. Thank you all! #tromlive

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'The Simpsons' Creator Matt Groening Is a Former CIA Agent?

Episodes of "The Simpsons" that coincided with significant cultural events have sparked speculation about hidden motives among the show's creators.…

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L'#UnionCommunisteLibertaire 37 appelle à rejoindre le rassemblement de l'OST Tours ce dimanche à 15h pl. Jean Jaurès à #Tours pour contrer l'#OffensiveTransphobe !
Retrouvez #AlternativeLibertaire de mai auprès des militant·es et en kiosque et notre tract…

Una alcaldesa en Afganistán (documental 2022)

Con las tropas occidentales en retirada, Zarifa Ghafari arriesga su vida para liderar la reivindación de la educación de las mujeres de Afganistán.

TROM II: How I started TROM…

#trom #capitalism #trade #documentary

TROM II: How I started TROM

Watch the entire documentary here -…

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Nacido en Siria (documental 2016)

Este documental narra cómo un grupo de niños refugiados sirios escapa de una vida tormentosa para adentrarse en una tierra extraña.

Documental recomendado que retirarán de Netflix a mediados de mayo

Tract du groupe #UnionCommunisteLibertaire de Nantes : sans surprise, nous subissons le contre-coup de la défaite du mouvement des retraites de 2023. Les guerres impérialistes se succèdent à l'international pendant que les annonces gouvernementales s'enchaînent mettant en danger l'ensemble des conquis sociaux.

Nacido en Gaza (documental de 2014)

Grabado poco después de la guerra de la Franja de Gaza de 2014, este documental muestra cómo tranformo la violencia las vidas de diez niños palestinos.

Documental 100% recomendado que retirarán de Netflix a mediados de este mes:

Recomendación para incluir en #videoneat

Kayaking for free…

Rediscovering amber!

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in reply to Tio

Wow that looks amazing! 😃

I remember you talking about buying a microscope a long time ago, is it now that you finally bought it? 😄

in reply to Rokosun

I got one a year ago then returned it back. I wasn't convinced that I will use it. Now I bought a cheap digital one and it is much easier to use and handy. But doesn't magnify as much so am testing a new digital one that's a bit more expensive :D - waiting for it to come. I'd like to have a microscope that's easy to use and also good enough to see cells.