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Concert goers dancing next to your concentration camp, who know exactly what's going on in your concentration camp, who often set up picnic chairs to watch your concertation camp get bombed.…

ramede reshared this.

Why why, why are we so indifferent to such unbelievable cruelty?

I just can't understand how disgusting people are. How can ANYONE still supporythe ongoing genocide?

I honestly don't get it.

#FoodAsWeapon #Famine #Hunger #Starvation #NorthernGaza #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

in reply to LPS

... cautious of fraud/hackers/spyware etc.etc. I have settled on donating what I can to help Palestine through this one place.

They use zeffy for donations..…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Manifestation féministe à #Tours demain à 18h devant le CCOD : #25novembre journée internationale #ContreLesVSS !
L'#UnionCommunisteLibertaire sera présente et alerte sur une possible présence de l'#ExtremeDroite : remontez toute présence suspecte aux organisatrices !

Thank you Robert for becoming the 88th TROM supporter. We need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month to support all of our projects. #tromsite #trom

reshared this

Anyone have experience/opinions about #humhub as a corp social intranet solution?

My employer is looking for suggestions for alternatives as meta's workplace is being sunset. Seems like a good time to replace it with something #opensource

Tech Cyborg reshared this.