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Both Felon Tump and Nazi-boosting Musk have one thing in common. They got where they are buy buying things and taking credit for other peoples accomplishments!…

Jönköping: Antisemitism och antisionism – vad är vad?

Håkan Blomqvist söndag 16 februari Antisemitism och antisionism – vad är vad? När vänstern och Palestinasolidariteten bombarderas med anklagelser om antisemitism är det viktigt att försöka reda ut vad som är vad.

Medborgarna åläggs ett ökande ansvar, men vad får vi för resurser för att exempelvis öka vår hemberedskap. Viktigast är att minska arbetstiden med bibehållen lön.

Motorhome DONE (4): Our Big Closet and Big Bed :) -…

We do not have many clothes and stuff, but this tiny motorhome has a lot of storage space so we could fit more than we thought. We also love our top bed - spacious and does not take any space from the living area. 😃

#motorhome #spain #europe #camper #campervan #vanlife

Motorhome DONE (4): Our Big Closet and Big Bed :)

We do not have many clothes and stuff, but this tiny motorhome has a lot of storage space so we could fit more than we thought. We also love our top bed - spacious and does not take any space from the living area. :)

Rokosun reshared this.

Thank you Johnathon for becoming our 91 supporter!! - A reminder: we need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month to keep our projects sustainable! Thanks!

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First Post!

I'm checking out Friendica for the first time, and just wanna say hi to everyone :-) i'm an 40-something y.o. cat herder from Austria :-)

My wife is still on Facebook. She posted this post and it got tagged as partly false. The reason was that rolled back order only prevented discrimination in federal jobs. But the post CLEARLY specifies federal!

Community fact checking is obviously just going to be bullying.

You may have heard some news from the Congo; This is how it is affecting real people

Why are all armed conflicts around the world now all about murdering civilians - families, children? Did war need to become more evil?

När den sovjetiska Röda Armén rullade in i Auschwitz – eller Oswiecim som det polska namnet lyder – på eftermiddagen den 27 januari 1945 var inte många lägerfångar vid liv. Av de cirka 1,3 miljoner – de flesta judar – Läs mer …

Us: Removing DEI would be fine if you start hiring based solely on qualifications.

The GOP: <Hires unqualified person after unqualified person for major positions.>

Ite becoming easier to create bot accounts with AI. Email verification is not enough for bots. Phone verification is not enough if you want to stop trolls (see sweden democrats troll accounts tv4 ). How does one implement a better user verification in the fediverse? If using electronic id, how does one finance it?

What are they hiding?

Felon Trump' Air Force is burying information about the Red Tails (Tuskegee Airmen of the 332nd Fight Group) and the WASPS (Women's Airforce Service Pilots).

What don't they want you to know?

#uspol #censorship #conspiracy

I wish we could!

Vote to have your state join Canada!

Thinking of writing a cozy mystery. Thought I'd start with a title.

- Can I borrow a cup of MURDER?
- Does this MURDER make me look fat?
- Our MURDER flew onto your roof.
- The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward MURDER!

#humor #writing @writers group

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