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It is a delight to see people registering to our Friendica almost daily.

And yes these are not bots. Since we "force" anyone who register to tell us why they want to be part of our network (to filter out the bots), I can tell that those who register are not garbage pieces of "AI", but real and interesting humans who are also interested in our TROM project.

Just wonderful! :)

Our platform is a home for anyone who wants to join, granted they don't use it to abuse others or only use it as an ad platform to promote whatever they sell. So basic decency ;).

#friendica #fediverse #fedi

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In preparation for the tariffs I'm reducing the amount of beans I use to make my coffee.

In honor of the source of the problem, Trump, I call it Felon Water.

#coffee #tariffscoming

They are not clearing the way for a meritocracy

If you really wanted to hire based on merit only, you would not need to repeal a rule that says you cannot discriminate based on sex, religion, or race, now would you?


Youth crime

Local reps worried about youth that will do a smash and grab and when released say they will just do it again. Naturally their thoughts of how to address that have to do with increasing penalties, eroding due process, increasing penalties, etc.

But they need to think for a minute about the message they sent to the youth in the 2024 election. It wrote to them and the world in big orange neon letters that the law does not apply to everyone in this country. And when the law does not apply to everyone it stops being justice and becomes oppression.

When we handed felon sex offender Trump the oval office we made crime an act against oppression.

You cannot expect people to abide by rules that do not apply to everyone. Can you blame them for thinking "If we are not all in this together then it is everyone for themselves. "?

You can't parade blatant hypocrisy in front of people, piss all over their rights, their viewpoints and their futures and not expect them to act out!

You can't exclude people from the game and expect them to keep playing by the rules!

#uspol #philosophy

Had to walk out of Republican town hall.

State and city Republican reps had a town hall here. In typical fashion they left only 20min out 90 for questions. All was reasonable until one started blathering about how to improve law enforcement. I left saying "I will not sit here and listen to a Republican talk about law and order. You all voted it out!"

#uspol #copol

Have you ever known a lazy, incompetent, white male? Even one?

Yeah, me too. Plenty. That's all you need to know to see through this anti-DEI crap.

#uspol #woke

in reply to Kevin Bowersox

Known one? Heck, I am one! I mean I try my best mostly and am good at the things my company pays me to do, but if given a choice between really knuckling down and getting into the mud to do the hard work no one else wants to do or having a beer and watching the hockey? I think we know which way I'm leaning...

The TTRPG we need now!

I love the premise of this TTRPG!

#TTRPG #Kill Hitler #Fight Nazis

My Spanish is not very good, but I will definitely be using it more often in public now. Even when not talking to Spanish speakers.
I'm a white male of German ancestry if you go back far enough.

Sí, estoy despertado. ¿Quién te preguntó, guero?


Book bans are illegal in Illinois!

“Here in Illinois, we don’t hide from the truth, we embrace it,” said Governor JB Pritzker in a press release. “Young people shouldn’t be kept from learning about the realities of our world; I want them to become critical thinkers, exposed to ideas that they disagree with, proud of what our nation has overcome, and thoughtful about what comes next. Everyone deserves to see themselves reflected in the books they read, the art they see, the history they learn. In Illinois, we are showing the nation what it really looks like to stand up for liberty.”…

Simon reshared this.

Many thanks to Alonso and Ken for becoming our new TROM Supporters -

Little by little we are getting close to getting half of the funding we need for our projects.

Thank you!

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in reply to TROM

Everyone on this instance should take a look at all the services tromsite offers if you haven't already. It's really quite remarkable.

Internationella kvinnodagen kommer i år att firas i en värld av krig, krigshets, folkmord, ojämlikhet och orättvisor. I vårt land syns de ökande klassklyftorna på många sätt.

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