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Motorhome DONE (6): Our Shower is Amazing -…

You know, to be able to take a hot shower in a 5.5 meters long home, is quite something. And to have the comfort to do it in a way that feels like just a normal house. For us it was very important to get a motorhome that has a proper bathroom. But we had to also fix a bunch of things with this bathroom...

#motorhome #camper #vanlife #europe #spain #campervan

Motorhome DONE (6): Our Shower is Amazing

You know, to be able to take a hot shower in a 5.5 meters long home, is quite something. And to have the comfort to do it in a way that feels like just a normal house. For us it was very important to get a motorhome that has a proper bathroom. But we had to also fix a bunch of things with this bathroom...

We love our shower :)

We will release a new TROMjaro ISO soonish. I know I know Manjaro pushed a lot of updates lately and we lag behind but we are almost done with our TROMhome earthship :) - been super busy with that. And once that is done, I think next week, all of the TROM projects will get constant love :)

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An American Duty

All Americans need to call their House reps at least once a day to demand impeachment.

Common Cause Survey about Elon Musk…

Det var med stor glädje vi i januari tog del av beskedet att Svenska Hamnarbetarförbundet varslade arbetsgivarorganisationen Sveriges Hamnar om blockad mot allt militärt handelsutbyte med Israel.

I en tid av osäkerhet och kris diskuteras vikten av att ha en BOL (Bug Out Location) som evakueringsplan. Men istället för att fly ensamt, föreslås samarbete och nätverksbyggande som en hållbar lösning. Genom gemensamma insatser kan vi öka vår motståndskraft och skapa trygghet i svåra tider.

Speech without an audience.

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

We went to Cyprus in January to join a research of Marine protected area. It's the only nesting site for Green Turtles in whole European Union. And surprisingly large and wild area. Hopefully it will stay like that for many years to come

A safe haven for sea turtles, but for how long?

We went to Cyprus to participate in research of marine protected area. Which is important nesting site for sea turtles. Also Lara bay is the only nesting site for Green turtles in European Union. We also visited turtle rescue center CyMARC .

Research was organized by MER (lab)

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in reply to Dima

Great job Dima! And great to see Mara too! Keep up the good work!

Hur kan skogsträdgården bidra till ökad motståndskraft och resiliens. Skogsträdgårdar har haft stor betydelse för att skydda människor från både katastrofer och exploatering.