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TROM II - Un mensaje para los alienígenas

Cómo tratar la endometriosis con algas marinas

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in reply to Tio

This is an amazing article. Your YNH+Borg+Timeshift backup looks promising. I will have to think of something similar for backing up my own data.

The move of to the new server is now complete! As a bonus we have raised the storage for TROM Files from 5GB to 10GB for everyone, plus added Deck - an alternative to Trello, so that you can organize tasks and collaborate with others.

We've also increased the size limit for TROM Send from 5GB to 10GB.

The new server is more powerful and has a lot more storage space. But also a little bit more expensive. So please consider a donation to support TROM.

Cheers! #tromlive

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Testing Friendica from the new server :) - took around 1-2 hours to fully restore friendica and set it up from 0. Not terrible at all. :)

Our TROM Videos, Peertube, now runs from our new server!

Unfortunately for TROM Send we could not properly restore it so we have lost the temporary files. Mind you these shared files via TROM Send are temporary. To make up for this we increased the 5Gb limit to 10GB per share! :)

Only one that needs to be moved is TROM Social (Friendica). Which should be moved tonight!


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Welcome to Earth! Let's kill each other, shall we!?

Forget about us, the humans, one species, one spaceship called Earth, common problems like diseases, climate change, biodiversity loss....forget about creating a paradise on Earth for us all from the mountains of waste that we are capable of creating!

Stupid species fighting over stupid things.

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We moved all of our services to the new server except:

- TROM Social - Friendica
- TROM Videos - Peertube
- TROM Send - Lufi
- TROm Tasks - Vikunja

We will continue the move. So far so good.


Tio reshared this.

Dans le n° d'octobre (n°342) d'#AlternativeLibertaire, un article en pages #ecologie sur la répression contre #DerniereRenovation si vous avez loupé la mobilisation autour du procès au TGI de #Tours et Sabotage : Neutraliser le système techno-industriel en pages Histoire.

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