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The trade-free app of the day:


System utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA card


Oh wait, are people still eating 3 meals a day? I've only eaten 2 meals a day for the past....idk....2 decades? :D - and everyone I know probably.... I think 3 meals a day is too much. In fact there is a positive outcome to eating less. You age slower ;).

Anyway, yeah people are being poorer it seems. Prices are rising. Thank God for the mighty Economy and the fantasy money we worship :)

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

Man then you'd be shocked to see how much stuff I can slam down my throat, haha 😆 Maybe it has something to do with my metabolism but I feel very tired and fatigued when I don't eat on time, so I'd rather reduce the size of a meal than skip one altogether - if I'm skipping a meal then that means I'd have to eat bigger meals to account for the missed one so that I have enough energy for the day, and that's probably worse from a health perspective (spikes in blood sugar levels and all that).

Adam ruins the social networks conversation

Rokosun reshared this.

Our TROMjaro trade-free apps library now displays an excerpt for all of the apps in the library for the APPS main page:

This has been requested for years now and we finally did it. It is indeed super useful to know what these apps are about from the main page, without having to open them.

Enjoy over 650 trade-free apps #tromlive

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300 manifestant·es à #Tours pour la #Palestine, 200 au début de la manif féministe : défilés animés, diff de nos 2 tracts, vente d'#AlternativeLibertaire
Pas de trêve des confiseurs pour les nationalismes, les intégrismes et l'#ExtremeDroite : coordonner, rassembler, construire !

We have removed Paypal from our donation options for our 200 for TROM campaign because it was not working properly and because Paypal was not supporting recurring donations without a card anyway, therefore you were still forced to use a card for creating a donation. Therefore we are now relying one Stripe for the donations, which works perfectly fine. Anyone who has a credit card can donate to our ongoing campaign.

Those who are still donating through Paypal can still donate, so no worries about that. But if you can switch to Stripe it would be more reliable. Simple log in to and under the Donor Dashboard change the payment option. In case you need help contact us via

And a lot of thank-yous to those who support TROM via our campaign. We are still in need of a lot more support so if you can, please consider a donation.


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No es real, es AI-tana.

TROM en Español reshared this.

La trampa de la neutralidad…

Una vez más cuellilargo 🦕 para no perder la esperanza.

Manif #Palestine à 15h Pl. J. Jaurès à #Tours organisée par le Collectif Solidarité Palestine 37 : cessez le feu à Gaza, stop au génocide, arrêt de l'occupation, #BDS !