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Awesome sunset. I am impressed how the Pixel 4a can capture the real colors. Phone that @Aaron gifted me :D. Even brand new it was 3 times cheaper than most high end phones when it was released.

#photography #nature #landscape

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I took this photo in very low light hand-holding my Pixel 4a. We were lucky to see these goats that late at the castle.

#photography #nature #landscape

Rokosun reshared this.

Wow amazing. Unheard of. So cool. Yah dudes, it is happening, just wait for it.

Historic, unprecedented, unreal. Un-beli-vable.

AL de Décembre (n°344) est en kiosque !

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#LoiImmigration, dossier #antivalidisme, Collectif Golem, mobilisation contre l’#ExtremeDroite à Lyon, #CharlesPiaget, #Argentine, grèves des ouvrières du textile au #Bangladesh, autogestion en #Catalogne, 40 ans de la #MarchePourlEgaliteEtContreLeRacisme

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Not enhanced. Straight out of Pixel 4A. And that's how the sky looked like in reality.

#photography #nature #landscape

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in reply to Tio

Beautiful, my friend 🥰