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TROM II: What would you do if you didn't have to trade? -…

#trade #capitalism #money #humanbehavior #humans #volunteers #volunteering

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Trip to Belfast

We took a quick trip to Belfast, Northern Ireland for a meeting for Ellen's work. The only reason I heard about Belfast when I was growing up was when it was in the news because of The Troubles, and that was not infrequent. But according to the taxi driver who drove us into town from the airport, "We're all friends now." That was good to hear, but we heard a different story from a tour guide 2 days later.

On our first evening there we took a walk through downtown to the Lagan River.

2 manifs #antifa Pl. J. Jaurès à #Tours
- #3juillet 19h
- #7juillet 20h
Sois prudent·e et remonte en DM toute problématique, si tu es isolé·e pour venir en manif, DM itou
Contre l'#ExtremeDroite, coordonner, rassembler, construire une #RiposteAntifasciste !
Une pensée pour #JulienTerzics

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