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Hollywoodgate -…

Another one of those documentaries that you feel like they are not real. Must be a dark comedy instead. The human brain can be so brilliant and yet so primitive...

#taliban #afgahnistan #documentary #documentaries #bbc #usa





YEAR: 2023 | LENGTH: 1 part (88 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKI


The film was shot in over a year, and it chronicles the daily life in Afghanistan of Taliban air force commander Mawlawi Mansour, and one of his soldiers, the fundamentalist M.J. Mukhtar, following the American withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Ok, donc voilà, après tous ces déboires techniques qui m’ont durés un certain temps…bien que pas complètements résolus, puisque j’ai pas encore réussit à importer aucun de mes fils et que du coup, je vais probablement devoir faire ça, à pieds ou à vélo😉…j’ai trouvé ce coin qui m’plait bien et j’ai quand même réussit a vous téléporter ici, ça, ça a fonctionné🙌
Donc, à plus tard!👋

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On top of our custom themes now our Friendica ( also has this BookFace theme for those who want a more "facebook" like experience in terms of looks.

So go to settings/display and choose your own theme.

#friendica #fedi #fediverse

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in reply to TROM

that is super cool!

This is a very short post to tell you that we have finally updated our Discourse forum to the latest. For the past year (or more) the Yunohost package for Discourse (what we use) was quite broken and we ended up having an entire separate server just …