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We need to pay for the yearly backups for all of our services and content -…

This means all of our services (friendica, peertube, nextcloud, etc.), all of our websites like,,, and so on.

We only need 230 Euros to cover another year of backups. Please if you can help out since we are underfunded and cannot afford to pay for them.

The payment is yearly. We need to pay by the end of this month (March).

Thanks a bunch!

#trom #opensource #foss #fediverse #peertube #friendica #fedi #volunteer

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Demain dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai. Voie une.
Prenez garde à la fermeture automatique des portes, attention au départ.
Victor Ouigo.

Plus d'un milliers de manifestant·es à #Tours pour ce #8mars de combat où les pancartes et slogans étaient nombreux.
La présence croissante de la CGT aux côtés de Solidaires est un progrès qui doit permettre l'élargissement et la massification des luttes féministes !

Elsa Tavernier reshared this.

in reply to Roma

Yup quite an interesting documentary! :) So happy to see humans like you who enjoy these bits of reality and see them for their wonderful value, instead of being sucked into the fantasy movie-world that many are sucked into. Reality is far more complex and mid blowing. Come and see :)
in reply to Tio

100% true ☺️ I’m glad we can share love to these things together, brother 💪

This is what we did before starting our adventure (lenghty update) -…

We know this is a very lenghty update but we wanted to showcase what we did for the past 2 months to prepare for our adventure. We put more batteries, more solar panels, new mattress and more! 😃

#motorhome #spain #europe #vanlife #camper #travel

This is what we did before starting our adventure (lenghty update)

We know this is a very lenghty update but we wanted to showcase what we did for the past 2 months to prepare for our adventure. We put more batteries, more solar panels, new mattress and more! :)

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in reply to Kellen

So far we have not experienced any weather extremes. Well now we have been through a storm and the temperature goes as low as 0 Celsius, almost freezing. But that is rare and only at night. We have a heater that was part of the motorhome and does wonders. It works on propane and since the motorhome is so small it heats it up really well.

For example now outside it feels like 1 Celsius and feels like it is snowing (that kinda of rain in between rain and snow) :), but inside there are around 22 degrees with the heater at half power. Super comfy inside.

For the summer we will probably need to put some vents or even an AC unit.

in reply to Tio

i see many many videos on van life many of them put AC unit in the end its must have in van life you will see in hot day :)