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Today we worked all day to move our server to a new IP address because Youtube blocked our IP. Why? Maybe because we are raping and murdering baby animals. Or because we want to burn down rainforests. No! It was because we were hosting Invidious at Invidious is a trade-free interface for Youtube that basically allows you to watch the Youtube videos without the cancerous ads or trackers or all of the trade-related crap that Youtube vomits all over their website.

Because our IP was banned other services were affected such as Peertube and its feature of importing videos from Youtube, or our RSS Bridge.

Anyway, now everything works but we have removed Invidious. The developers behind Invidious are working on a workaround but we may not bring Invidious back. We will create an article tomorrow about the recent situation with Youtube, Reddit and Twitter who are getting more and more aggressive with their platforms, not wanting anyone from outside to access their content.

And we will showcase you a lot of amazing alternatives and solutions. Stay tuned!


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