My friend @Roma helped our TROMhome project with a massive 1.000 Euros donation. Thank you very much, I cannot say that enough. Tremendous help!
I will keep the Gofundme campaign for a little bit but I have dropped the goal further. Maybe we only may need a bit of financial help to get ourselves "on the road" and eventually be able to make TROMhome more TROM than home :)
We hope that Monday we will have it! And then I can start to make more and more videos for our TROMhome channel…
And slowly but soonishly all of our TROM projects will receive more love :)
Roma, you help so many people! You are such a kind and wonderful human being. Honestly...
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Tio • • •Tio
in reply to Rokosun • •Oh Roma is doing wonderful things for his life and his parents. Working on these things for years now. He managed to move his parents from Russia to Spain, just 7 hours from where we live. They all visited us last week. And now he will focus on his life, he wants to take a break from his job eventually and focus on important projects, also come join TROM more and do things together in that regards.
This awesome guy has been helping his family and other people a lot lately. But things are evolving into a wonderful direction. We are so happy for him!
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