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I take some stuff back that I said about 4k screens. So it seems like the way I was scaling up my 4k screen in XFCE was via the Display - Scaling. It seems that's not going to work well. You have to do it via the Appearance - Settings - Window Scaling. Basically I was comparing a FullHD resolution with a 4k that was scaled up to look more like the FullHD resolution since 4k is waaay to small. And so I noticed no difference between the two.

However using the Window Scaling I do see that my 16inch 4k screen with a 4k resolution is a bit sharper than the FullHD. But I emphasize the "a bit", a lot! It is really not much difference. So I still call 4k screens bullshit. Unless you have a huge screen.

Also XFCE does not deal well with the scaling, things look messed up.

in reply to Tio

I am very happy using XFCE4 with a 43" 4K screen. The dot pitch is similar to a typical 15" laptop, so I don't have to mess with any sort of scaling.

43" is more or less the smallest size you can get a cheap 4K TV at. But you do have to deal with HDMI, since TV sets lack DisplayPort, and there may be various other annoyances and settings to deal with.

That said, I do use some amount of scaling in my web browser. The amount of scaling depends on the site, but usually the default 100% feels too small.