Translating any video in Kdenlive automatically -…
This is how you can translate a video from any language into English using Kdenlive. I tested it with a video spoken in 5-6 languages and it did fantastic. You can also use TROMjaro Linux for easy setup and management of your OS in general.
#linux #kdenlive #videoeditig #whisper #translate #opensource #foss #tromjaro #trom #trade-free
Translating any video in Kdenlive automatically
This is how you can translate a video from any language into English using Kdenlive. I tested it with a video spoken in 5-6 languages and it did fantastic. You can also use TROMjaro Linux
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in reply to Tio • — (Earth) •I like this video, TBH, A Long time ago, I even tried to understand what they are saying, but…
Video: Me speaks Multiple Languages 👍
Me, that trying to detect, which one is in German, which one is not, which one Spanish and which one is not: 😶🌫️
in reply to Tio • • •like this
Tio and TFed like this.