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Translation: 550 crazy people die while going in circles in 50C temperature.

#religion #idiocracy #climatechange #globalwarming

in reply to Tio

Yeah religion is crazy but this is still incredibly sad man, those people didn't deserve to die 😔 As the effects of climate change worsen over time this is gonna affect more and more people's lives, not just because of heat but more frequent natural disasters and stuff like that.....

And speaking of religion, if this was any other place I'm sure it would've been shut off for safety reasons, but humans are stupid 😐

in reply to Rokosun

No one forces these idiots to go around in circles. I know it is their environment that makes them so stupid, however it is idiotic when you see such news and pretty much no one criticizing their stupid beliefs....just because we call it "religion". If this was a small group of a few thousand people believing this shit, prob we would call them a cult.
in reply to Tio

Religion is of course a big problem, but I guess it feels a bit insensitive to talk about dead people like that..... I've heard of real cult stories that happened in Kenya where the followers were convinced to starve themselves to death, a women was explaning how a relative of her fell victim to this cult and it's always heartbreaking to hear these stories..... I could call these people idiots but in the end they were all victims brainwashed into believing these bullshit.
in reply to Rokosun

For sure, this is a more wise view and I respect it and I usually have that kind of view as well, but at times I feel like saying it as it is: a bunch of idiots. After a while you get sick of these morons :D
in reply to Tio

I don't have any issue with you ranting about it, I just meant that this is probably why you don't hear it presented like that in the news and such.