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Our updated forum, finally! -…

This is a very short post to tell you that we have finally updated our Discourse forum to the latest. For the past year (or more) the Yunohost package for Discourse (what we use) was quite broken and we ended up having an entire separate server just or the forum since we could not update the server itself because of it. Therefore we had an old forum on an old server.

Now we managed to do some gymnastics and move it to our main server and update it. Finally! From now on I hope there will be no more such issues.

I was willing to even give up on all of our forum posts, accounts and comments just to be able to update it and not pay for a separate server for it.

But now all is good. All is fixed apparently.

Many thanks to the folks from Yunohost for the work that they do! And to those who made the Discourse software!

#yunohost #discourse #forum #linux

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