@Dima this is how your videos look on Youtube for most people:
Before they watch a video about volunteering, restoring nature, cutting down the waste and so forth, they will watch very attractive ads for buying shit, Big Macs, harmful and wasteful products. I find that beyond outrageous.
So I think we should try to push your Peertube channel more. Maybe you can tell me what format are you saving your videos in so I can look what may be the issue with uploading them to Peertube. We have uploaded thousands of videos to Peertube and everything works great.
We should change these habits too of posting on these ad-network. I get it about the reach, but in parallel we should give these alternatives platforms a try too.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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in reply to Tio • •That's why people should use adblocker. I forgot that there are ads on youtube, been using adblocker for years now. I don't get people who watch a lot of videos there, and yet don't have ad blocker or paid subscription.
Peertube was perfect when it was linking my videos automatically from youtube channel.
I render them in .mov format 4k, h265.
I think h264 format is what peertube don't like
in reply to Dima • •Yes but many people dont use. Especially on mobile is virtually impossible to block them unless you use something else than youtube like newpipe. Yes Peertube was perfect when it autoimported the youtube videos but youtube is blocking that now....so it is hard to fix it. Youtube is a total cunt.
Weird about the format since we uploaded the same formatted videos. If you have any of your videos somewhere in this original format maybe send a link to grab it so I can test.
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