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Having 64GB of RAM is bliss for me. And I really use them. 32GB was always at the limit for me. Opening 2 Kdenlive projects or more for TROM II, testing stuff in VM for TROMjaro, having lots of opened tabs, and so forth, feels like a breeze now. Oh plus some 70GB of Swap memory haha.

Now I just barely started to work again on my laptop after I moved my stuff to it, so this does not reflect the normal use for me, but still almost 30GB of RAM used without VMs and just 1 Kdenlive project open:

Anyway, I like RAMs. And I use them. God bless :).

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in reply to Tio

The weird thing with RAM is that I always seem to use around 65% of the RAM that I have. I have 8GB on my PC and 16GB on my laptop and it's always around that. No idea how that happens.
in reply to Adam Kieliński

Seems like it might be a growing file cache in mem or something and there's a difference between free vs. available mem in Linux too. It isn't exactly that entire space is used directly by the processes (I'm not sure how exactly "used" value is calculated for that particular monitoring application, sometimes even different distros may count it differently).
Usually Linux tries to use physical mem as efficiently as possible and the most dangerous sign for the system performance is highly used swap disk space. So a simplified rule for the mem check might be: if the swap usage remains low, your system is in a good shape. Here's more detailed explanation: