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I love how this guy destroys the ElonMusk Cult - This Elon-multi-billionaire conned many people and he keeps on doing the same today. Yet people buy his nonsense. This channel has a ton of such videos about Musk. I highly recommend them Very well done and to the point ;). If Elon wanted to change this society for the better, he probably would not have become the richest man on Earth. #tromlive

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in reply to Rokosun

in reply to Tio

I've read your book, so I understand much of what you're saying. You don't have to explain about trade and it's effects ;)

The video I sent you is of a tech channel, so yeah, its mostly talking from a tech perspective. One difference between these videos is that one is explaining how tesla is a fraud and the other is explaining how tesla could become a threat as a monopoly. This is just like how Facebook started out, and now everyone is trapped in this vendor lock-in.
in reply to Rokosun

I can say that this guy is not a supporter of google, and he even make videos about why google is bad. What he meant here is that an open standard is better than a closed one. Surely Android is not a good example of this, linux would be something closer (he's a linux supporter too). But here he mentioned android cause he was comparing between companies. And if google didn't choose the open source path, things like ungoogled chromium, lineageOS, calyxOS, grapheneOS etc. wouldn't be possible.
in reply to Rokosun

Its true that both of these companies are evil, everyone knows that. But its just about choosing the lesser evil here, cause sadly that's our only choice. I mean, I don't know of any trade-free car company/provider.
in reply to Rokosun

The lesser "evil" is not as lesser I'd say, and also it can become the "main evil" just as easy. I won't choose between apple and google, I would choose a trade-free linux and I'll make the point why. The same way I won't choose fair-trade products to buy and think they are better than Nestle or whatever. Both are "evil". So I would not choose sides between Pepsi and Coca Cola, i would look for other alternatives and if there are none, I won't support any of those. :P

Also, a trade-free car company seems impossible since it is a "company" after all. But there are plenty free-er transportation systems like subways, autonomous EVs in UK made by the gov, or whatever. They should showcase such examples if they are really serious ;).

In any case :P
in reply to Tio

Maybe you're more strict about these stuff than I am. But I'm thinking like "Let's not make perfect the enemy of good". I don't think we'll ever be able to end trade in an instant. It'll probably come step by step and I'll support anything that'll directly or indirectly support this goal. For example, I'll support laws that helps reduce work time. This would give people more time to learn, think, volunteer for something and explore projects like TROM and others.
in reply to Rokosun

But I'll say one thing for sure, I don't like endorsing or supporting any commercial entity, be it google, apple, tesla, or any so called "fair trade" companies. Because at the end of the day, the goal for a company is to make profit. And what's profit ? If you're getting back more that you put in, that's profit. How can such a thing really be ethically right.
in reply to Rokosun

I knew it would confuse to call that a company. That's why I put a /provider over there, I think that makes more sense 😁

Yeah, the examples you gave are much better. If there are transportation systems and vehicles funded by governments, that's a good alternative, not a "company". Again, this is because the force of trade is lower, just like you wrote in your book :)
in reply to Rokosun

No, I get you. But we need some Stallmans here and there. Meaning, we need to keep the "pure" version of an idea somewhere, else we lose the meaning of it. And I am trying to gatekeep that for the purpose of informing others about what trade-free means. And why trade fucks things up. The softer I get, the less meaning the idea will have, I feel.
in reply to Tio

Its funny you said that, cause I've felt this similarity between you and Richard stallman. Just like how stallman goes to great lengths to ONLY use free software, you're doing the same thing with your ideas about trade. I honestly think its a good thing. When you're the founder of some revolutionary idea, it makes sense to go to these extreme levels to protect its values and be a good example for others.

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