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It makes me so happy when I see new people donating to our 200 For TROM campaign 😀 - even if we still need a lot more to achieve the goal, I feel hopeful because donating 5 Euros a month is not that much and this can be sustainable for a long long time.

If you use any of our services, or TROMjaro, or VideoNeat, or enjoy the content that we do via TROM and can support us with 5 Euros a month, it would be amazing!

You know we are running out of disk space for so I will have to move Peertube to an object storage solution soon, and that would cost me a few bucks a month and a lot of time perfecting it. So even 2-3 people donating 5 Euros a month can pay for this big change that would also allow us to increase the quota for our TROM Files for instance.

If you can, do it please. If not, at least a share could help ;)

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